Mission Moment: May 14, 2012

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moment: May 14, 2012

The monthly seminary — an essential part of Mission: Haiti — was delayed in April by a lack of funding. Missionary Miguel finally was able to travel to Thoman to teach the April seminary on Saturday, May 12. “The seminary was good,” he said. “There were 14 people: two pastors and 12 (church) leaders.”

The topic was “Searching for a sorcerer,” based on Psalm 1:1-3 (“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked …”).

“We, as Christians, don’t need anything else (other) than God,” Miguel taught.

When there was a funding shortage (again) in April, Climbing For Christ spiritual coordinator Jordan Rowley shared some words of encouragement with Miguel. “I believe that the monthly seminary is one the most important things the Lord is using Climbing For Christ to do in Haiti,” Jordan said. “Our enemy wants nothing more than to stop that good work. He does not want people to hear the Truth and grow in Jesus. He wants to distract, discourage, divide, delay and devour God's people.”

Jordan said it was not surprising we were facing challenges holding the seminary, “especially because the lesson you have prepared deals specifically with voodoo! We must do ALL that we can to make sure the seminary takes place so that our brothers and sisters can be taught the Truth of God's Word!”

And so it was. The US$300 needed to print the monthly teaching, and provide food, transportation and basic human necessities (like toilet paper) was provided — albeit seemingly late.

In the meantime, Pastor “Blanco” (as he is known) of the church at Jimani took ill and is in need of medical attention. There is a need for fertilizer to assist the agricultural project begun at the church at Malasi, where we have provided coffee and banana plants. The fertilizer will cost US$930. There are also repairs to the God truck that should be done. We continue to raise support for our “Rescuing Saintela” project (see below), and — of course — the rest of the funding that goes each month to do the work in the mountain villages in Haiti.

Miguel plans to teach the May seminary on May 25-26, Lord willing.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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