Mission Moment: Sept. 15, 2012

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moment: Sept. 15, 2012

People from Malasi in front of the repaired church.

“As my soul was sad when I saw the roof of the church down, so my soul today is joyful when I saw the new roof,” said Miguel Rubén Guante, Climbing For Christ's missionary to Haiti. “Great is the joy in Malasi.”

We praise God for this. He provided through His people — sending more than $16,100 in relief aid. These funds have been used to buy and deliver food for those left hungry in the villages where we minister. They also were used to replace the roof of the church at Malasi that was blown off by Tropical Storm Isaac.

Putting on the finishing touches on Friday.

Miguel delivered supplies for this project on Thursday. “We worked hard that day until the night,” he said. “Yesterday (Friday), we started again very early and finally about 3 p.m. we could finish.”

“The Climbing For Christ's church (at Malasi) is the first affected building (damaged by a storm and) repaired. Praise the Lord for that.”


In addition to providing food and repairing the church roof, God has used us to buy bean seeds during the week and in the days ahead fertilizer also will be delivered to the farmers so they may replant their fields.

Job said, “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” Whether the Lord took or allowed the roof to be taken away, He has again given. May the name of the Lord be praised in storms and in this time of joy.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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