Mission Moments: ECUADOR

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: ECUADOR

A song of praise in Ecuador

Chimborazo as seen from the village of  Cooperativa. (Photo by Jaime Servat)

As Climbing For Christ’s Peruvian missionary, Jaime Servat, walked a mountain road near Ecuador’s tallest peak (20,564-foot/6,268-meter Chimborazo) in late January, he sang to the Lord:
“Oh God, You are guiding me again and again
through Your Spirit in this way of grace by grace;
Oh God, You are amazing, healing hearts and minds
through Your Spirit in this way of love by love;
Oh King of Kings I love all about You
Oh Lord of Lords You are all my life.”
As he sang, Jaime felt God’s instruction to stop. Walking, not singing. He paused. He felt he was supposed to wait for a farmer the Lord was sending to walk with him.

“I had taken a break to pray and there appeared some students who were returning to other villages,” Jaime recalled. “Then, wow, a woman farmer was coming my way.”

She declared: “Brother Jaime, what a joy to see you again!”

Jaime had prayed for this woman on an earlier visit. She has been suffering with an eye problem.

God answered the prayer because when the woman went to see a doctor, he asked: “Maria, what happened? Your eye was healed.” She told him “a missionary of the Lord prayed for me and because I believed in Him” she was healed. “Really, it was a miracle,” the doctor said, “because it is like a new eye.”

Jaime walked with Maria and the students toward the next village. “They were asking for Jesus and I was telling about His life and His sacrifice on the cross as a gift for us so we may have eternal life,” Jaime said about the students. “I asked them if they had some New Testaments and they answered, ‘No!’ So I promised to give them some (when they reached Maria’s house).”

Students with calendars and gifts from Jaime.

The students heard and learned about the life of Jesus. Jaime spent several days studying the Gospel of John with the students, and praying for other families. He said these people, especially the students, exhibited “a real hunger and thirst” for the Word of God.

We sing praises for His grace, healing and love.

The Word

“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God…” – John 1:12 (ESV)

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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