Mission Moments: Ecuador
Guided by the Spirit
Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, has long had a burden on his heart to reach out to the lost in the mountains of South America. He is currently serving in Ecuador. This Mission Moment was written based on his latest report.
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.” – Romans 8:14
Jose closed his eyes one last time on this Earth, only to open them again – in Heaven.
Just hours before, this man was dying, heading to an eternity separated from the love of Jesus Christ. But now he lives in glory, forever basking in the light of his Savior.
After learning of a man who “was on a bed with stomach cancer [who needed] to know our Lord Jesus because he lived a life without God,” C4C’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, and his evangelist friend, Zari, made arrangements to visit in Ecuador’s Cuenca city.
“Oh, brother,” Jaime said, “that is an emergency, so we [must] go to tell him [about the] Lord Jesus and pray for healing so God may forgive his sins and give him salvation.”
Zari responded, “Right, this evening we will go to minister together.”
Jaime and Zari prayed before and as they traveled. They prayed for God not only to open Jose’s heart, but to make a way through any opposition his family might pose, as they had in years past. Upon arriving, the family let Jaime and Zari see Jose right away. Upon entering his room, they found Jose calm and miraculously without pain. The Lord had clearly prepared this time for Jose to hear His Gospel.

Jaime laying hands on ailing Jose.
As these two messengers of God, Jaime and Zari, delivered the Good News, Jose heard and accepted Christ. He was “pouring tears of joy.” It was a divine appointment ordained by the Spirit of God.
After their special time with Jose, Jaime and Zari shared the love and truth of Jesus with the rest of the family. Although hardened for many years, God softened their hearts this day as 12 souls received salvation in Jesus.
There was much to rejoice about. However, it would be bittersweet. Jaime and Zari learned that the day following Jose’s surrender to Jesus, he passed away.
The Lord’s timing is always perfect. Praise the Lord that Jaime and Zari heard God’s whisper and obeyed the guidance of the Spirit, reaching Jose before it was too late. And now he stands in heaven completely healed, rejoicing in his Savior.