Mission Moments: Malawi

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Malawi

Speaking for those who cannot

Speaking for those who cannot

A word of thanks from Climbing For Christ’s Malawi-based Kingdom worker, Damson Samson, to all who generously bless us to bless others:

“I hereby present to you the open letter to all C4C members around the globe. The main reason is to appreciate them for the support given to our widows here in Malawi. Thank you for your commitment in supporting us through Climbing For Christ. I am graced to be close to those in need all the time and I have seen a lot among my people where life is not considered necessary when you grow older; nobody will think of you when you are less productive. I have witnessed these (donors) committed to reach those they have never seen with their naked eyes. As it says, speak for those who can’t speak – I hereby tell you how much your support has done in the lives of our widows here in Malawi.

“Those who couldn’t eat for some days have seen what is called nsima (a maize meal that is the staple of diets in Malawi) through your support. Many had no hope or never did they dream where the answer to their prayer could come from. Now they have seen God at work through all you have provided. Life has a great meaning now as love can be demonstrated through the hands (with which) you gave. Let me not forget in all supplications and thanksgiving we should let our requests be known before the Lord (Philippians 4:6). I pray that you should not grow weary in doing good for this is well pleasing before the Lord our Father.

“Many have received your support in tears of joy and thanksgiving. Those who were naked have been dressed. Those sleeping on the dust ground have seen mats and those with no blanket have seen one in their life. Those with no home, you gave a home. I can’t express how much you have touched our people.

“As many of these widows are still in great pain, I ask you to continue supporting Climbing For Christ as this organization has given hope to the hopeless lives around the world.”

Photos by Damson showing the challenges faced by hundreds of widows he ministers to in southern Malawi:

“Being a widower and crippled at the same time – how does this happen?”

A widower who uses a mosquito net as a door on his house. “Praying to see a new home one day,” Damson said.

Another widower trying to fix the roof of his home before heavy rains fell, below, producing flooding around widows’ homes.

A widow stands next to her unfinished, door-less house. “This is where this widow calls home,” Damson said. “We continue praying for a (new) home.”

“I was naked and you didn’t dress me,” Damson said, quoting Matthew 25:43. “Yes, we all witness all these happenings in our days.”

This widow, like many in desperately poor Malawi, goes to sleep on an empty stomach. “I was hungry and you gave me food,” Damson said, quoting Matthew 25:35. “Yes, God is aware of all these happenings.”

How can I help?

If you would like to give to Climbing For Christ, send your contribution of any size to Climbing For Christ, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or CLICK HERE to give online via PayPal. In Canada, make cheques payable to The Great Commission Foundation, and on the memo line add Climbing For Christ CANADA. Mail your support to: The Great Commission Foundation, P.O. Box 14006, Abbotsford, BC V2T 0B4. Or CLICK HERE to give online.

The final Word

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.” – Proverbs 31:8 (NLT)



Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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