Mission Moments: Malawi
Starvation threatens Malawi
By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ
Maize stunted by the lack of rain in Malawi. (Photo by Duncan Nyozani)
As we are preparing to GO on Mission: Malawi 2016 in just 10 days, we have been alerted that the African nation is on the brink of famine. Most of Southern Africa – including Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Madagascar – has been plagued by drought.
“The problem is very serious,” said Pastor Duncan Nyozani, a Climbing For Christ member and ministry partner who (among other things) oversees the orphanage C4C supports.
“We planted, but the rains are not coming. All the crops are drying right now. People are starving. Please remember us in your prayers. Food prices are very expensive … some kids are eating things not edible.”
A boy eating grass. (Photo by Duncan Nyozani)
Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, even in the best of times – ranking 174th out of 187 nations in the 2013 Human Development Index and having the 13th worst economy in the 2014-15 Global Competitiveness report by the World Economic Forum.
From January to March 2015, the worst flooding in memory struck Malawi, especially in the south where Climbing For Christ has ministered since 2010. The United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP) reported in September 2015 that flooding “washed away food stocks and ruined fertile land, and that the country now faces the worst food crisis in 10 years.” That was before the start of the so-called “lean season,” which extends from December to March.
The October-to-December 2015 period was the driest on record for most of Southern Africa, and when the rains did begin, they lasted only a few weeks, parching many of the crops in the field, according to the Anglican Ink last week.
The WFP said in a report on current issues in Malawi:
“According to the Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee, an estimated 2.83 million people will experience acute food insecurity during the 2015/16 lean season. Women are particularly vulnerable to food insecurity as their extensive home-based workload and care work does not usually translate into economic gain, limiting their ability to afford a balanced diet.”
Our Mission: Malawi team will be spending time with women who serve many others out of a local Mothers & Babies Clinic. Climbing For Christ funded the building of the new clinic for these women.
The team – consisting of Board member Michele Annibal, C4C family ministry director (and my wife) Elaine Fallesen, our daughter Hayley Fallesen, and me – will again focus on Bible-based teaching for our orphans and other children associated with Duncan’s Searchlight Ministries. Michele and Elaine were on Mission: Malawi 2014.
While addressing the spiritual need in Malawi, we are faced with pressing physical needs. As Jesus said, “which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent?” (Matthew 7:9-10).
How will God’s people respond to the suffering in Malawi?
We are joining Duncan in this prayer: “We are praying for a miracle of $10,000 to buy maize and beans to distribute to two congregations here in Malawi and the Mozambique church (built in 2013 by Climbing For Christ).”
We will deliver this support along with the love of Jesus during Mission: Malawi. You can join us by supporting the mission in prayer and in financial giving. Watch for updates and daily Dispatches during the March 4-13 Evangelic Expedition.
Helping hands
You can contribute to the feeding of thousands through ministry partner Searchlight Ministries by sending a donation to Climbing For Christ c/o Feeding Malawi at P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or CLICK HERE to give via PayPal and email info@ClimbingForChrist.org to alert us to your donation.
In Canada, make checks payable to The Great Commission Foundation, and on the memo line add Climbing For Christ CANADA c/o Feeding Malawi. Mail your support to: The Great Commission Foundation, #3 – 1335 Trans Canada Way SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1B 1J1. Or give online at http://tgcfcanada.org/donate. Mark your contribution: “Climbing For Christ CANADA c/o Feeding Malawi.”
A new chapter
Mulanje Massif. (Photo by Gary Fallesen)
Damson Samson, our Malawi-based missionary to East Africa, met with eight guides and 18 porters who work on nearby Mulanje Massif to begin a new chapter in Climbing For Christ HIStory. Damson called the Feb. 15 meeting an orientation at which he shared the vision of C4C and spoke about “making them fishers of men.” The goal of the Mulanje Massif Chapter will be similar to our Kilimanjaro Chapter in neighboring Tanzania: “strengthening their spiritual lives so they can share the Gospel with others when they are on the mountain.”
Mulanje is a series of peaks (the highest, known as Sapitwa, is the highpoint of Malawi and all of Central Africa at 9,852 feet/3,003 meters) that spans more than 200 square miles.
“They were interested to learn more right in the meeting,” Damson said. “They applaud C4C for coming with such a touching idea. They confessed that this is the only organization that has brought this idea. They have never heard that there is such a thing happening in the world, and they are proud to be part of it.”
Damson and I will be meeting with the Mulanje Massif Chapter during Mission: Malawi 2016.
The Word
“What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?” – Luke 11:11-12 (ESV)