Mission Moments: Malawi

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Malawi

A special gift: snacking on a Bible study

Children sponsored by Project 1:27 received new Bibles on Wednesday in Malawi. (Photos by Duncan Nyozani)

Climbing For Christ has received several unexpected gifts through the years from people (often young people) moved by the Spirit to support His work in a place many adults have never even heard of. Children have opened lemonade stands and held fundraisers for other children in need.

The Las Amigas group, girls in elementary school in Washington state, raised money last year for our Project 1:27-sponsored children in Malawi. Charlotte Crain, a long-time Climbing For Christ member who was on our first mission team to Malawi in 2010, had shared with the girls about the Malawi children. “I showed them pictures and explained how these kids are no different from them in many ways,” Charlotte said. “They want to play, learn, have fun as a kid and do special things in school.”

This inspired the girls to send a gift for “something special.”

We turned that into the purchase of new Bibles for the children and the development of a weekly Bible study designed specifically for those kids. It all began on Wednesday, Jan. 23, with a look at Deuteronomy 6:4-9 (love the LORD your God with all your heart).

Phillip, above right, teaches the first Bible study lesson to the children, below.

Snack time!


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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