Mission Moments: Malawi

Mission Moments: Malawi
Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Malawi

Praising Him in the storms

By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ
Photos and reporting by Damson Samson, East Africa Kingdom worker, Climbing For Christ

Praise and prayer: Fany Billy, a widow, rejoices at the construction of a new home, above. Below, Kingdom worker Damson Samson’s sister Fany stands outside her newly damaged home.

Damson Samson, Climbing For Christ’s Kingdom worker in East Africa, waited out two days of rain from Cyclone Gombe before visiting seven more widows who received new homes provided by God through C4C. Fourteen widows whose houses were destroyed by Tropical Storm Ana in January were blessed with new houses. We praise the Lord for this!

At the same time, others were suffering from the effects of Gombe, a storm that struck Mozambique and Malawi on Friday, March 11 and into the weekend of March 12-13. At least 17 people died and there were reports of widespread damage.

Esnat Chenjela’s wrecked house, which was built by C4C in 2016. She and her grandchildren were under the rubble when it collapsed.

Esnat Chenjela, a widow who has been a prayer warrior for Damson and Climbing For Christ, was one of the cyclone’s victims. She and her granddaughters were sleeping when one of the younger women complained “about feeling water in the house. Then she said it seems like it’s mud,” Damson relayed. A moment later the house collapsed on them.

First reports to Damson were about Esnat being hospitalized and her grandchildren killed. But, thanks be to God, everyone survived and no one was seriously injured.

“We thanked God together and I had to remind her that this is because of your prayers,” Damson said.

Climbing For Christ will again provide assistance to those in need of housing, including Damson’s younger sister Fany. We thank God for His provision through C4C members and supporters to help in places like this.

Can I get a witness? Widow Witness Msamiha outside his new home.

Witness Msamiha in Chabuka village was overcome with joy at receiving his new house along with bedding and blankets. “The blessing is more than my imagination,” he told Damson.

Looking up: Luciano Jeremiah inside his new house.

Luciano Jeremiah from Mukwawa village thanked God for a new home, while Beatrice Makolija felt blessed beyond measure. She kissed the new blanket given to her. She said not only would she not have to sleep in the dirt on the ground, but she was given a sleeping mat to put between herself and the new cement floor. She also rejoiced that she was given food because “she had nothing in the house to eat,” Damson said.

Beatrice Makolija was touched by our loving gesture.

Dester Maliketi’s family celebrating.

Dester Maliketi from Phaleya Nnampinga received a house that will be a home to seven family members. “She really thanked God for such a wonderful gift,” Damson said.

Mary Motomani.

Mary Motomani of Singano village thanked Climbing For Christ’s members and supporters for their help, saying, “We have somewhere to hide (from the weather and the night). It was very hard before.”

Fany Billy.

Fany Billy of Manasi village never expected “in this time to be graced in this way,” Damson said. “She asked us to extend her heartfelt thanks and promised to be praying for those who supported (the widows) in building these homes.”

Damson also blessed his mother, another widow, with a home after hers was damaged by Tropical Storm Ana. There was much praising in the aftermath of that storm and in the midst of yet another storm to strike southern Malawi. 

CLICK HERE to read Mission Moments: Malawi “Welcome home.”


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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