Mission Moments: Malawi

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Malawi

Still hungering in southern Malawi

By Gary Fallesen
Founding president, Climbing For Christ

Carry out: Food provided for the hungry. (Photo by Duncan Nyozani)

Mission: Malawi 2016 did not end when our team boarded a flight out of Blantyre on the afternoon of Saturday, March 12. If anything, our short-term mission to southern Malawi was only the beginning.

In the days after our departure more food was delivered to those on the brink of famine.

“We have this week spent MK1,000,000 (nearly US$1,500) for food for church members at Kambona, where we have over 500 people,” Pastor Duncan Nyozani of partner Searchlight Ministries said last Thursday (March 17). “Distribution was done in their villages to avoid some confusion.

“MK500,000 cash (about US$750) went to the church at Msema.”

This was done so the people in that church (about 200) could buy their own food – in some cases, less expensive supplements to maize – and because the purchase of large quantities of maize has been problematic.

“This food supply is for a week only,” Duncan added. “They will have no food next week.”

God provided more than US$7,500 through Climbing For Christ and C4C Canada to supply food on Mission: Malawi. That included sending US$1,000 back to Milatu, Mozambique with Pastor Felix Namame for his church, which Climbing For Christ helped build in 2013.

Much of what has been distributed was maize, the primary food in Malawi. Maize is ground into flour to make the peoples’ staple: sema.

Maize distribution. (Photo by Duncan Nyozani)

After last week’s distribution, Duncan was left with 300,000 Malawian Kwacha (about US$450) in food funds, which he planned to use for a kids camp. “We can feed over 500 kids from Msema,” he explained. “The kids are starving so much. Many are leaving school due to hunger. We want to encourage them by feeding all of them the whole day.”

Love in action

“Many have seen God through the support you sent,” Damson Samson, C4C’s missionary to East (and southern) Africa, said in reference to funding provided by members in the U.S. and Canada.

In the days after our team flew back to North America, Damson began Bible studies with the many widows he has taken under his wing. He visited four villages from Tuesday to Friday.

“They were very much encouraged to have such an opportunity,” Damson said about the Bible studies. “They shared Titus 2, verse 1 and Psalm 28, verse 1. They were excited for the study. It was their first time (to do a Bible study).”

“To you, O LORD, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me, lest, if you be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit.” – Psalm 28:1 (ESV)

A group of widows gathers for Bible study in Singano, where a C4C-funded clinic was dedicated on Mission: Malawi 2016. (Photo by Damson Samson)

Damson visited the houses where the widows and widowers live. Many houses have no front doors or windows and, in his woods, “need to be rehabilitated. Some, they don’t have a house; they are sleeping in tents. Others (are living with relatives) since we had floods last year.

“We are just praying for God’s interaction in renovating more of their houses and possibly building small grass-thatched houses just for their shelter.”

In the meantime, we have continued to provide more food for these Project 1:27 widows. More than US$200 in donations was sent to Damson in his monthly support. He used this to purchase 11 bags of maize.

Food for Damson’s widows in Msema. (Photo by Damson Samson)

“Without you, what could have happened to these fellow sisters and brothers?” Damson said about Climbing For Christ. “Really, faith without deeds is a dead one.

“To let you know, the support given to these widows is an answer to their prayers.”

Those prayers, like Mission: Malawi 2016, have not ended. There are more works to accomplish. Malawi is in need of our prayers, our financial gifts, and our encouragement as He sends short-term teams to serve there.

“We are praying for more hands to our loved but dying sisters and brothers,” Damson said. “Be blessed for remembering us here in Malawi.”

Helping hands

You can contribute to the feeding of thousands through ministry partner Searchlight Ministries by sending a donation to Climbing For Christ c/o Feeding Malawi at P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or CLICK HERE to give via PayPal and email info@ClimbingForChrist.org to alert us to your donation.

In Canada, make checks payable to The Great Commission Foundation, and on the memo line add Climbing For Christ CANADA c/o Feeding Malawi. Mail your support to: The Great Commission Foundation, #3 – 1335 Trans Canada Way SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1B 1J1. Or give online at http://tgcfcanada.org/donate. Mark your contribution: “Climbing For Christ CANADA c/o Feeding Malawi.”

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