Mission Moments: Malawi

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Malawi

More ‘miracle’ houses in Malawi

Asidaya Chikwane outside the new house Climbing For Christ is building for her. (Photos by Damson Samson)

Asidaya Chikwane is blind. “She is physically challenged on top of being a widow,” said Damson Samson. “She had no house. But now the story has completely changed. She is very thankful for this miracle house.”

Asidaya’s new house should be finished this week. She is one of eight widows receiving a new house through the blessing of support God has provided to Climbing For Christ from our family at Hope Lutheran Church in Rochester, NY, USA. This housing project, which began in April with the rebuilding and renovation of 10 homes, was expanded thanks to the partnership with Hope. Seven houses were done in September and another eight are nearing completion with more to be rebuilt.

Aggesse Mawaza, outside her old house (top) and the new house being built (above), cares for seven children. Two of her grandchildren, Dafter and Dixon, are among those being cared for at Pastor Duncan Nyozani’s Far & Wide Children’s House, which is supported by our Project 1:27.

Estery Phuziwa rejoices, above, for the new house that replaces where she lived previously, top.

Fany Kamoto gives praise for the new roof that will be over her head.

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