Mission Moments: Malawi

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Malawi

Accepting Jesus, not fate, in bone-dry Malawi

By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ

There is joy and thankfulness when food is distributed each month among members of Pastor Duncan Nyozani’s churches in southern Malawi. But provision for food is ending with the harvest due to come in at the end of April. For some, this is a sobering thought.

“The crops are doing well at Kambona,” Duncan reported, “but not at Msema village. We are experiencing shortages of rains in other villages. Sometimes it may rain here (in Kambona) and not in the village. So at Msema things are not well. Crops are drying up.”

Result of the water shortage in Msema. (Photo by Duncan Nyozani)

In February, funding earmarked for food was used to address a stalk borer crisis being experienced in the maize crops. Those pests seemingly were eradicated, but now a lack of rain is impacting crops. Sadly, drought has spoiled harvests the past two years; so many farmers may fear the worst, while learning to trust in the LORD.

Lines have formed each month since October to receive food relief. This was the result of an answered prayer after Duncan requested aid for six months (from October through March). Additional support is needed this month.

Food distribution in Kambona, the location of one of Duncan’s Searchlight Ministries churches.

At the same time, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to East Africa, Damson Samson, has been working with an ever-growing number of widows. “It has been a great honor seeing widows confessing, like today (last Saturday) 15 accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior at Manasi,” said Damson, who has been meeting groups at three locations. He has established 10 Bible study groups of 10 or more widows.

“In all these places we have 120 widows who are very active and appreciative (of Climbing For Christ) for considering them to have time with us and share the Word for the hope of their lives.”

Widows meet with Damson, below, and celebrate receiving Jesus. There is no greater joy.

The Word

Then he said to me, ‘Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.’” – Ezekiel 37:4-5 (ESV)


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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