Mission Moments: Malawi

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Malawi

Redemption, deliverance and Massif fruit

Story by Gary Fallesen, president of Climbing For Christ
with reporting and photos by Damson Samson
, missionary to East Africa

“May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God.”
Psalm 20:5 (NIV)

The Climbing For Christ banner was raised at the Likhubula trailhead to Mulanje Massif in May. Damson Samson, our Malawi-based missionary, was doing quarterly training of guides and porters in the Mulanje Massif Chapter.

Damson planned on spending three days doing a different training at each of the chapter’s three centers. Each day produced varying results and fruit.

First, he visited Fort Lister, where 37 people attended the day-long meeting, “including chiefs, family members, and porters and guides themselves.” The Lord put the message of redemption on his heart and he taught from Romans 3:24 and Ephesians 1:7 in what turned into a revival meeting.

“In all these verses, I was mainly looking at our salvation through Christ Jesus and the nature of those who have been redeemed and what they must do as their responsibility,” Damson said. “The character of those who have been redeemed is quite different from others who are just Christian by name, not by heart.

“By His grace I had this understanding to say, ‘Your heart is not redeemed if you know for sure you are out of God’s will. Come down and say sorry to He, who doesn’t slumber, for the forgiveness of your sins.”

Thirty-three of the 37 stepped forward and confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, including all four village heads in attendance.

“It was amazing to see two Muslims confessing Jesus to be their Lord and Savior during this meeting,” Damson said.

Training at Fort Lister.

Day 2 was scheduled for Thuchila, “where they said they were not ready to give the time for they had more clients coming and (they said) they will share with me when they are free.”

“I proceeded to Likhubula, where we raised the C4C banner besides the viewing of the beautiful mountain Mulanje,” Damson said about Day 3 of training.

The second part of Psalm 20:5, at the top of this story, declares: “May the LORD God grant all your requests.” This occurred, Damson said, when “many were delivered from powers of darkness. We prayed for the sick. Praise God for all of that.”

The third day’s training was attended by 28 members, who were taught the Parable of the Ten Virgins and the Parable of the Talents found in Matthew 25. Eight of those at the meeting committed their lives to Christ.

Damson gives all praise, honor and glory to the One who created the mountains.

The Mulanje Massif Chapter was established in February 2016 in advance of Mission: Malawi 2016. There have been eight training meetings to date. The next training is scheduled on Mulanje Massif during Mission: Malawi 2018 in August, when we will begin The Timothy Initiative’s disciples making disciples program being used in the Kilimanjaro Chapter in Tanzania.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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