Mission Moments: Pakistan
Save Pakistan lives, loves in face of persecution
By Gary Fallesen
Founding President, Climbing For Christ
Evangelist Haseeb and his family have moved again with a little help from Climbing For Christ. Haseeb and those involved with our ministry partner Save Pakistan have endured months of persecution and hardship. Their story has been a painful one and yet, through it all, they have known the Source of their strength.
“…persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4:12). Haseeb is used by God to bring a sick woman to Him.
Two weeks after moving, Save Pakistan was back in the field, delivering 50 Urdu-language Bibles. “It is a blessing and a sign from God for us that He wants to keep His work in Pakistan,” Haseeb said. “We are working in (unnamed location) and reaching door to door with the Good News of Jesus Christ. People are responding to follow Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.”
Only a few days after sharing this exciting news with us, Haseeb and family were back at it – this time delivering 25 Bibles to new believers. “After Bible distribution, we went to a house where we found a woman,” Haseeb said. “She was sick very badly and when I saw her situation I thought for a moment that she will die the next morning. But I extend my hands to her and start praying for her. After prayer she said, ‘I got the miracle and I am feeling good.’ I said, ‘The Lord wants you to come to Him. That’s why He has done a miracle in your life.’ Then she promised that she will walk with the Lord.”
Praise God!
How can YOU help?
Haseeb shares the love and Word of Christ with a new believer.
- Pray for the servants of Save Pakistan for protection and continued boldness. Lift Haseeb’s sister – that God would allow her to be freed and returned to her family.
- Financially support the work being done against all odds in Pakistan, including the delivery of Urdu Bibles, which now cost US$7.
- Haseeb has asked for US$500 to hold a baptism event for about 30 new believers. The cost is to travel to a safe location to baptize people from several villages as well as for food and Bibles.
- Please also consider supporting the trekking team that will GO to the mountains of Pakistan in 2015.
“Please keep praying for us as the Lord is going to do something BIG through us in Pakistan.” – Evangelist Haseeb.