Mission Moments: Peru
Working on the church and the Church at Chalhua
Jaime Servat spent half of November in Chalhua, leading worship three times a week at the church Climbing For Christ built and going to “His church altar to pray to God every day with passion to see His hand in Chalhua and other villages.”
God led several people from other villages to Climbing For Christ’s Peruvian missionary.
“One day I was visiting some new believers from Mashco and I met Jhon, a 25-year-old who heard His (call) to receive the Lord Jesus,” Jaime reported. “So I ministered to him and he accepted (Christ).
Jhon receives Jesus.
“Another day I visited Almaquio and family and after we shared His Word and prayed, he (took) me to visit an aged neighbor (an 80-year-old) named Aurora, who was in the medical post of the Yanama district because of body pains. She received Him and I prayed for healing.”
When he wasn’t preaching, teaching and praying, Jaime focused on installing glass in the windows of the “worship room.” A brother in Christ from Huaripampa village visited while Jaime was there to install lights and do work on the floors, windows and doors.
Glass installed in church windows.
In addition to leading worship on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays for a small congregation of between one and seven souls, Jaime spent time with his adopted family in Chalhua. “After I arrived in Chalhua (on Nov. 10) grandmother Teresa, her daughter Taina, her son Bryan, and daughter Alisson all prayed together to give thanks to God for me to again be there,” Jaime said. He delivered belated birthday gifts to Alisson, who turned 14 on Oct. 28.
Alisson, the birthday girl.
Alisson, whom we have known and whose family we have ministered to since Mission: Peru 2011, shared with Jaime about her high scores in school, especially in English. “Hallelujah!” Jaime exclaimed.
“One more time I was knowing our God is working with her in many areas of her life,” he added. “It was really a blessing seeing her dedication to study. Also we had devotionals every day and she was understanding the purpose God has for her life.”
Jaime will return to Chalhau again in December to continue working on the church and the Church. Pray, as Jaime has at God’s altar, that the Lord’s hand would be on our brothers and sisters in this Cordillera Blanca village. May the body of Christ grow in faith and size. It is our prayer that the Church (the body of Christ) would fill the new church building in Chalhua and glorify His name.
“Hear my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray.” – Psalm 5:2 (NIV)