Mission: Philippines 2012

Mission: Philippines 2012


Join us in 2012 as we prepare for four mission climbs to the remote villages of Dalipey, Bekes, Culiang, Tacadang, Les-eng, and Badeo.

» Dalipey (March 2-6, 2012) Click here
» Survey Climb: Bekes/Culiang (May 18-21, 2012) Click here
» Tacadang and Les-eng (July 20-26, 2012) Click here
» Badeo (Nov. 15-20, 2012)

Estimated cost: US$75 per person in-country. This does not include airfare to/from Manila, Philippines and a financial gift to support the work of Mission: Philippines in Kibungan.

E-mail info@ClimbingForChrist.org to request a mission application.


Promise Keepers

By Ace Concordia
Coordinator, C4C Philippines

The children were sitting on the edge of walls made out of rock. Behind them, men and women, old and young were standing looking down on us as we approached their village. As we reached the top of the ladder that is the entrance to the village, we saw what was written on a day-care center blackboard: “Welcome Climbing For Christ Mission.” This was the scene as we made our first steps into the village of Les-eng in June 2011.

The people of Les-eng greeted us with smiles and open hearts. They laughed with us and listened to our message. It was an atmosphere born out of years of waiting for help to come to their distant and impoverished community. Our presence encouraged the two church leaders of the village to say to us, “Please promise us that you will return.”

I looked both of them in the eye, and said: “Yes, we promise to return.”

It was not without consideration for the difficulty of reaching this village that I gave my assurance. I confirmed their request because I knew it was also a promise from God that has gotten me this far in my life and ministry.

Climbing For Christ has continued to fulfill its promise to the people of Kibungan through eight mission climbs. More than anything, we fulfill our promises because we see that God fulfils His promises to us.

Fulfilling your promise reveals what’s truly in your heart. It is so easy for us to lose sight of our commitment to God and His work when we return to our normal lives and get preoccupied with existence.

The Bible speaks of the importance of fulfilling the promises we have made before God. And we have all at one time or more in our lives made a commitment to Him. Some may have been accomplished, but many may still remain unfulfilled.

A rock climber cannot climb a difficult route without someone to belay him. If the belayer strays from his duty, it will result in tragedy. That’s why climbers choose only those who are committed to the goal to become part of the climb.

God has given His commitment by sacrificing His Son as the ultimate testament to His determination in His plan of salvation. What he needs are those who will also commit to Him and His mission. But in the midst of the chaos of living, our commitments remain unfulfilled.

I write this to remind my brothers and sisters, you promised to support the ministry, you promised to pray for the ministry, you promised to go to the mission field. Just remember: you promised.

We invite you to help C4C Philippines to fulfill its promise of returning to bring the light and love of Jesus Christ to the people of Kibungan, a mountainous municipality in the province of Benguet on the northern island of Luzon.

The Word

“But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” — Matthew 5:34-37 (NIV)

Posted Aug. 22, 2011


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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