Nate Lee

Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: C4C Mid-Atlantic, Bios

Nate Lee

Born: 1978. Residence: Ellicott City, Md. Personal: Husband and father of three. Occupation: Analyst.

How long have you climbed? Off and on for 14 years.

Type of climbing you do: Rock (trad, sport, indoor, outdoor, top rope), ice, hiking/backpacking, some mountaineering, also trail running.

How long have you been a Christian? All my life.

Type of ministry you are blessed to serve in: Family, music, sports, international missions.

Favorite Scripture verse (and why): 2 Corinthians 1:3-6. Because God reminds me that when we suffer it is for a reason — so others will come to know Him.

Highlight of climbing career: The highlight of my climbing career would have to be helping others reach a peak in Colorado every week for an entire summer. I was working as a guide in the Sangre de Cristo mountains for a Christian outfitter. Among other things we would guide kids and adults up a pretty rigorous 13,000-foot peak. It was amazing to be a part of the spiritual, emotional, and physical transformation as they struggled up to the peak. These are the moments I live for — the moments that I feel God has created me for.

Special "God moment" you'd like to share: When faced with the inevitable death of one of my children I cried out to the Lord, in anger and frustration. He met with me in the most amazing way. As I sat on the roof of a hospital in Denver, Jesus sat with me and wept with me. I know His plan is perfect, no matter what it may seem like at that moment.

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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