Prayer Updates
Please join us in offering praises and prayers to our great God on behalf of His ministry of Climbing For Christ.
- We rejoice in God’s faithful provision and protection of His ministry of C4C. There is so much work to do and we praise the Lord for ALL that He has in store. Please pray that God would continue to protect and provide for this ministry in every way.
- We give God thanks for His guidance and direction of this ministry. May He bless us with ears to hear His still small voice. Pray that God would ordain each and every step of His servants - to the ends of the earth.
- We praise the Lord for all of the work (missions, church builds, food and water programs, health clinics, Bible provision, seminary, conferences, etc.) that He has privileged His ministry of C4C to serve Him in all over the world. May He continue to use and grow His servants and this ministry for His glory, for the sake of the brethren, and for the sake of the lost! Please pray that the Lord would point us to the people and places He would have us visit. May He open and close ministry doors as He wills!
- We are thankful for those who have shared with this ministry (whether through praying, giving and/or going). Please pray that God would send more of His servants to pray, to give, and to go! And may those He “sends” have ears to hear and hearts to obey His call.
- The Lord continues to bless us with new members from all around the world. We thank God for all He has done and has yet to do in each of their lives. May He give them hearts to get involved in His Great Commission!
- We give God praise for all of our many ministry members and friends. May the Lord give each of us an even greater passion for our neighbors, a greater urgency for His kingdom, a greater love for Him!
- So many of our brothers and sisters around the globe are facing persecution. Please pray for strength for each of them, that they may overcome! May the light and love of Jesus shine through them as they share the gospel through everything they say and do. Pray that God would fill the persecuted with His powerful presence and perfect peace.
- We praise the Lord for and lift up all of the national missionaries and servants that C4C is blessed to work with. Please pray for our co-laborers in [undisclosed], Haiti, Indonesia, Malawi, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru and the Philippines. May each of these brothers (and the countless other servants we have the privilege of serving with) be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. Please pray that God would continue to bless them with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and most of all a greater love for Him and His people. Please pray for the families of these men of God as well.
- We praise God for the students and orphans that He has entrusted to our care. Please pray for God's blessings to be poured our upon our schools and partner orphanages; as well as our teachers and caregivers. May God lovingly shepherd each precious child in His Way, His Truth, and His Life!
- Please pray for each of our Chapters throughout the world. May all of our Chapter Coordinators be filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered to do all that God calls them to do.
- Please lift up C4C Board of Directors: Gary, Elaine, Mary, Stan, Ace, Derek and Kevin. Please lift up our C4C Canada Board of Directors as well: Gary, Brandy, Aaron, Allen, Jim, Andrew and Mary. Also, please pray for our staff: Gary, Brandy, Leanne and Jordan. May our loving Father have His wonderful way in and through each of our lives as well as in each of our roles with C4C. Please pray that Lord would bless and keep our families too. May He draw all of us ever closer to His side!
Thank you for your prayers! If you're not already a member of our Prayer Team, please feel free to sign up by emailing to recieve our regular prayer updates.