Project Prayer: Ramadan 2014

Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Prayer Updates

Project Prayer: Ramadan 2014

Lifting Jesus
June 28 - July 27

“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” - John 12:32


During the Islamic celebration of Ramadan, C4C will be lifting up our Muslim neighbors around the globe - who account for almost 1/4 of the world's population (that's roughly 1.6 billion people). This will be C4C's fourth straight year praying through the 30 days of Ramadan and we ask for you to join us.

For Muslims, Ramadan is a special time of fasting and drawing near to the god of Islam. For many Christians however, Ramadan is a special time to pray extra fervently for those same Muslim neighbors as so many of them are extra sensitive and seeking. We pray that the True and Living God would reach their hearts with the Gospel of Jesus Christ (or Isa al Masih as He's called in Arabic).

This year, from June 28th to July 27th we'll be meditating on and praying through some of the titles of our Lord Jesus (like Lamb of God or Prince of Peace). After all, without the Savior none can be saved; without Christ there can be no Christian; without Jesus there is no hope. In John 12:32 Jesus said, “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” Our prayer, is that as we lift His name in prayer this month, many will be "drawn to Himself." We'll also be focusing prayer on some of the needs of the places in which C4C is currently ministering to followers of Islam, like Turkey, Nigeria, Pakistan and others. Again, we ask for you to join us each day in prayer, and look forward in faith to the fruit that will result.

Day 1 (June 28) – Beginning and the End

 “’I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,’ says the Lord, ‘who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.’”  - Revelation 1:8

How appropriate to begin with The Beginning! In fact, all things begin with Christ. Before the world existed He was; as the world continues He is; in the end He will be. Yesterday, today and forever He remains the same. His heart for ALL people of ALL nations has never wavered. Today, may we ask that He would “begin” to stir the hearts of Muslims around the world – that they would be open to His truth and sensitive to His voice.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Turkey For several years, Climbing For Christ has been working among the Kurdish people living on and near Mt. Ararat, in Turkey. In fact, there is a mission taking place there right now (CLICK HERE to see the Dispatches from Mission: Ararat 2014).Today, we’d ask you to please join us in praying for the Lord to raise up an indigenous missionary who would serve with C4C and be an effective ambassador for Christ among the Kurdish people.

Dear Lord,

We give thanks that You truly are the Beginning and the End. Our prayer today, is that You would begin a new work in the lives of many Muslims around the globe. May you soften and open their hearts to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. And Lord, we ask that in Your perfect will and perfect timing, You would provide a worker to partner with Climbing For Christ as we reach out to the Kurdish people of the mountains.

In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Day 2 (June 29) – Author and Finisher

“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” - Hebrews 12:2

Not only is Jesus the Beginning and the End, He is the Author and the Finisher. And what an author our Lord is! In Psalm 139, David beautifully wrote, “Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” The Lord has such wonderful plans for His people. May many Muslims forsake the uninvolved god of Islam for the great Author and Finisher, Jesus!

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Turkey – As we’ve traveled several times to Turkey in recent years, a few incredible relationships have blossomed. Today, we ask for prayer specifically for our close friends and guides, Adem and Behzat. Our fervent desire is that the Lord would “author” and bring to pass an amazing move of His Spirit in the lives of these dear men.

Lord God,

Today we praise You for authoring so many wonderful moments in the lives of Your people. We ask that You would bring many followers of Islam into Your story of redemption. May You set the captives free – as so many are unaware of the bondage of the false religion they follow.

In Jesus name, amen.

Day 3 (June 30) – Foundation

"For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." - 1 Corinthians 3:11

What greater foundation could one build on than the Rock Himself. He is immovable, unchangeable, constant and steadfast. He will never be shaken, and neither will those who build their lives on Him, no matter the challenge or hardship we face. Today, pray that many of the world’s 1.6 billion followers of Islam would build their lives on the Rock. May they lay the sure foundation of Jesus Christ deep in their hearts.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: TurkeyPlease pray for open doors and open hearts among many of Turkey’s Kurdish people. Pray for workers to be sent into this challenging field. May a mighty move of God capture the hearts of these semi-nomadic Muslims.

Almighty God,

Thank You for not only laying down the life of Your Son on the cross, but for laying Christ down as the ultimate foundation which can never be moved. We ask Lord, that by Your grace, many followers of Islam would come to place their complete trust in You, and build their lives upon the Rock of Christ. We pray for a special moving of Your Spirit and Your workers among the Kurdish people as well. Have Your way oh Lord.

In Jesus name, amen.

Day 4 (July 1) – Cornerstone

“… Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.” - Ephesians 2:20

The Cornerstone is essential for the rest of the building stones. If the cornerstone is off, the rest will follow. Praise God that our chief Cornerstone, Jesus, is never off. If we simply look to Him in faith and build our lives off of His teaching, we will surely be built into a glorious and secure building. It’s so sad that so many millions of people have built their lives on sinking and shifting sand. Today, pray for Muslims to come to the Cornerstone.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Turkey According to Operation World, Christians make up only 0.2% of the population of Turkey. Please join us in prayer for their protection as well as their witness. May the Lord empower them and use them in mighty ways to spread His love and truth to their countrymen.  

Precious Lord,

Thank You for being our perfect cornerstone. Please draw many Muslims out of sinking and shifting sand and lead them by Your Spirit to align their lives and beliefs to the Chief Cornerstone. And please bless and protect the comparatively few Christians in Turkey. Strengthen them and embolden them to shine brightly for Your kingdom’s sake. Use them in might ways for Your glory.

In Jesus name, amen.

Day 5 (July 2) – Great Physician

“When Jesus heard that, He said to them, ‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.’” - Matthew 9:12

Of course the Lord has the power to heal any and every physical ailment, but what’s even more incredible is His desire to heal and restore the soul. There are so many spiritually sick in this world in need of the Healer’s hand. Pray today that many followers of Islam would experience the care of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ, both physically and spiritually.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Turkey – Please lift up our future work in Turkey to the Lord of the Harvest. May He send us when He desires to whom He desires. Please pray for clear direction and discernment of every future step of C4C’s work in Turkey. May the Lord open doors as He wills and may we simply walk through.

Heavenly Father,

We come to You now asking for the healing of many followers of Islam – both physically and spiritually. Perhaps a miraculous physical healing could lead to an even more miraculous spiritual healing. Thank You for Your incredible heart for all people. And Lord, we ask You to lead and guide C4C’s work in Turkey. May You have Your perfect way in every detail. May You open and close doors as You will. All glory to You!

In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Day 6 (July 3) – Good Shepherd

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” - John 10:11

Our incredible Shepherd is so good He not only leads His sheep, but He lays down His very life for them. What an incredible God we serve. No man took the life of Jesus. Rather, He laid it down of His own free will that none would perish but all would have opportunity to come to Him and be saved. May the Good Shepherd lead His wayward sheep to green pastures, still waters and everlasting life in Christ!

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Nigeria – Bloodshed and terror grip the nation of Nigeria. Christians in the north (above or near the 10th parallel) have been especially vulnerable to attacks, abductions and other atrocities. C4C has been serving in Nigeria for about four years now. Pray for the Good Shepherd to guard His flock.

Dear Lord,

Thank You for being the Shepherd of our souls. Thank You for being such a Good Shepherd that you even laid down your very life for the world. We ask, dear Lord, that You would stir the hearts of many and lead them to that green pasture, still water and everlasting life in Jesus! And we lift to you the nation of Nigeria. You know the heartache and hardship that so many Christians are facing – especially in the north. Please grant them the peace, patience and perseverance they need to remain strong in You! Help them to shine brightly no matter how dark their surroundings.

In Jesus name, amen.

Day 7 (July 4) – Lamb of God

“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’” - John 1:29

The Good Shepherd also became a sheep like us. Only this precious Lamb of God lived a perfect, holy, righteous and sinless life like we never could, thus becoming the perfect sacrifice for our sins – and even the sins of the world. Praise God for His amazing grace and incredible mercy that He desires to extent to all! Pray for many Muslims to acknowledge that their own good works can never be enough to merit heaven, but that a sacrifice is needed and was provided in Jesus.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Nigeria – In 2011, C4C reached out to the remote Koma People. Relationships were established and souls were saved. Since then, our partner in Nigeria has returned to share the love of Jesus both in word and deed. Please pray not only for the continued protection of these people, but that the Lord would draw them ever closer to Him.  

Lord God,

Thank You for the precious and spotless Lamb, Jesus. We pray today that many followers of Islam would come to understand that they can never work enough or be good enough to earn heaven. Please, by Your Spirit, speak to the depths of their hearts. Enlighten their eyes to see that Isa Al Masih (Jesus Christ) is the only way! And we also lift to You the Koma people of Nigeria. We pray, Lord, that You would protect them and provide for them in every way – most of all, spiritually.

In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Day 8 (July 5) - Lion of Judah

“But one of the elders said to me, ‘Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.’” - Revelation 5:5

Isn’t it incredible that our dear Lamb of God also roars as a ferocious lion!? He will not stand idly by and allow evil to prevail forever. Instead, He will arise as a mighty Lion and establish a truly righteous kingdom over which He will rule and reign. What a glorious day that will be. Today, pray for many to submit to His kingship and authority.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Nigeria – Pray for Boko Haram today. Boko Haram is a Nigerian based Islamist terrorist group bent on Jihad against anyone and everyone who opposes their version of fundamental Islam. Pray that our sovereign God would roar as a lion and shake awake the deceived and depraved hearts and minds of those who participate or approve of the horror that Boko Haram has inflicted on so many innocent and vulnerable lives.

Father God,

We come to You now asking that You would awaken and save many Muslims before it’s too late. We pray specifically for those involved with the terrorist organization, Boko Haram, in Nigeria. Lord, please shake the soul of many to the core. Like the Apostle Paul, may they turn from persecuting Christians and become followers of the True and Living God in Christ. Do what’s needed Father, to bring them to their knees before You.

In Jesus name, amen.  

Day 9 (July 6) – The Resurrection and the Life

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.’” - John 11:25

All of our hope for renewal and rebirth lies in Christ. Jesus Himself has completely conquered death. He doesn’t simply hold the key to life, rather, He is the key. He holds all things together. As Paul wrote in Colossians 1:17, “in Him all things consist.” In other words, apart from Jesus there is only death and disorder. Today, may we lift up the 1.6 billion Muslims who have not come to find life in Christ. Pray that they would open their eyes to the emptiness of Islam and truly experience a longing for the assurance of new life that can only be found in Jesus.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Nigeria – Today, please lift up our Brother in Christ, Pastor Chris. We’ve been serving alongside this precious man of God for several years now. Please pray for God’s blessings to be upon him and his family. May our great God grant Pastor Chris the provision, protection and power He needs to continue ministering the new life of Christ to all God places in his path.

Dear Lord,

We give You thanks and praise for being our resurrection and life. Our old lives were sin-stained and hopeless You’ve given Your followers new lives – filled with holiness and hope. Lord, please stir the hearts of many Muslim men, women and children to pursue life. May they find no satisfaction in the empty claims of Islam, but find life – and that more abundantly – in You. And please bless Pastor Christ as well. May Your Holy Spirit flood His heart and home like never before. Continue to use Him in mighty ways.

In Jesus name, amen.

Day 10 (July 7) – Faithful and True 

“Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.”  - Revelation 19:11

Our Lord is the very definition of both “faithful” and “true.” In fact, He is far beyond faithful and truer than true. Thank God for His faithfulness and perfect goodness towards all of His creation. He extends such grace and mercy to all of this fallen world. Today, pray that God would reveal His absolute truth and faithfulness to Muslims around the globe. As they are fasting and seeking, may “Faithful and True” draw them near to Himself.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Nigeria – Please pray for C4C’s future work in Nigeria. Ask the Lord to guide His ministry as we seek to continue to reach out to the Koma people and others. Pray that God would open and close doors according to His perfect will.

Dear Lord,

We give You thanks for Your faithfulness and truth. We give You thanks that You are in fact Faithful and True. May You demonstrate those incredible qualities now as You reveal Yourself to many followers of Islam. We especially lift to You C4C’s work in Nigeria. Please lead and direct us in Your paths, and provide for all that is needed. Thank You Lord.

In Jesus name we pray, amen.  

Day 11 (July 8) – The Door

“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” - John 10:9

Jesus declares Himself to be not only the Shepherd (as we looked at on Day 6), but also the Door for God’s sheep. It is only through this Door that salvation can be found. In other words Jesus is the gate; He is the entry; He is the access. He doesn’t only open the door or gate, and He doesn’t simply allow entry or access – Jesus Himself is the door; He is the gate; He is the entry; He is the access! Without literally going through this Door by trusting in Jesus and His cross one cannot be saved. Today, pray that many followers of Islam would see and walk through the Door to salvation.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Indonesia – Today, please pray for the Asian nation of Indonesia. Currently about 80% percent of Indonesia’s people claim to follow Islam. In certain areas, violence against Christians and other minorities is as brutal as it is commonplace. Pray for all Indonesian Muslims today. May many come to and walk through the Door of Jesus Christ.

Father in Heaven,

We come to you now with thanks and praise that you are the Door. Not only do you provide a way to heaven, but You are the Way. Thank You Lord that this Door is open to all who will walk through by faith! We pray that many of our Muslim neighbors would one day walk through. And we especially lift up to you the nation of Indonesia. Please awaken many to the grace and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

In whose name we pray, amen.  

Day 12 (July 9) – The Vine

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” - John 15:5

The imagery that the Lord uses to express His truths to His people is always beautifully simple and crystal clear. What a perfect picture God paints for you and I to understand one of the aspects of our relationship to God. He is the vine and we are the branches; apart from Him we can do nothing. The branch apart from the vine has no life and produces no fruit. It’s dead. Only in Christ can we find the needed nourishment for our souls and hope to bear Him any fruit. Today, let’s pray for followers of Islam around the world to come to faith in and abide in Christ, the life-giving vine!

  • C4C Prayer Focus: IndonesiaPray specifically for Indonesia’s believers today, who comprise about 15% of the nation’s total population. Pray for our loving Lord to bless and protect them in every way. Pray that they would grow in Christ and bear Him much fruit, as they abide in the vine.   

Dear Lord,

Thank You for revealing Your truth to us in such simple ways. Today we continue to pray for the world’s followers of Islam. We ask that many would find life-giving nourishment in the vine of Jesus! And we specifically pray for our brothers and sisters in Indonesia. Draw them ever nearer to You Lord. Please protect them and provide for their every need. May You cause them to bear much fruit for You, and make an everlasting impact on their nation.

In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Day 13 (July 10) – The Head

“But, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ” - Ephesians 4:15

Not only is Jesus the Foundation and the Cornerstone (see Day 3 and 4), He is the Head of all things. He is the capstone. He is the crown. He shepherds. He guides. He conducts. He leads. He wills. He ordains. In His love and grace, Jesus wills to bless and use His body of believers in so many wonderful ways. Today, pray that many Muslims around the world would become a part of the body of Christ!

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Indonesia – Pray for the Lord of the harvest to send workers into the fields of Indonesia. Pray for men and women of God to rise up to evangelize the lost and disciple the found. Pray for a powerful moving of the Holy Spirit in Indonesia – the nation with the largest populations of Muslims in the entire world.  

Heavenly Father,

Today we come to You now on behalf of the world’s Muslims. Oh Lord, open their eyes and hearts to the truth that is only revealed in You. Grant them visions and dreams that they might come to the Faith. And we specifically lift up the work in Indonesia. We pray Lord, that You would raise up many of Your servants to tend to the harvest there. May You anoint and equip them to evangelize and disciple others. By Your Spirit, bless the work of Your laborers in Indonesia!

We ask these things in the name of Jesus, the Head of all things, amen.

Day 14 (July 11) – Son of God

“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.” - John 20:31

Abundant and Everlasting life is found nowhere else and through none else than Jesus, the Son of God. Only God’s perfectly pure and sinless Son could offer up the sacrifice needed for our forgiveness. In Islam, one of the worst sins an individual can make is giving their god any human-like qualities or attribute – like that of a Father, or Son. This sin is so grave in fact, the Qur'an says it’s unforgivable. Pray today for many followers of Islam to have the courage and conviction to take that necessary step in acknowledging Jesus, as the only begotten Son of God who was offered up for the salvation of all who would believe.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Indonesia – Please join us in prayer for the persecuted and persecutors of Indonesia. Pray that our Lord would supernaturally sustain the brethren living on the more hostile islands of this archipelago nation. Pray that they would have a strong yet sweet witness to all their neighbors, particularly their persecutors. Pray for those who harass and hurt Christians. Pray that the Lord would open their eyes to the error and eternal consequences of their ways.

Dear Lord,

We come to You now on behalf of the persecuted Church as well as those persecuting the Church. We ask for Your mighty and merciful hand to be upon those who face such hardship. Lord, please sustain them. Grant our Brothers and Sisters the grace and strength to endure and shine through every difficulty. We ask for You reveal the wickedness of their actions and reveal the love and truth of Jesus to those who are hostile towards Your beloved. Have Your perfect way in all these matters Lord.

In Jesus name, amen.

Day 15 (July 12) – Son of Man

“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” - Luke 19:10

We don’t serve a King who is distant or aloof. We don’t serve a Lord who is unable to understand and empathize with our weaknesses. We serve a Savior who became a man like us, though still fully God. Though we are fragile and faulty, Jesus bears with us all the while, knowing our trials and temptations more fully than we ever could. Praise the Son of Man who came to seek and save the lost! Today, pray for the billions of believers in the religion of Islam to be saved.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Indonesia – Join us in lifting up C4C’s future work in this Muslim-majority nation. May the Lord lead and guide our every move as He opens and closes doors according to His will. Pray for our members located in Indonesia to rise up and reach out in the name of Jesus. May a spirit of urgency and boldness flood their hearts.

Lord God,

Thank You for being our ever-present and ever-understanding help. You know our needs better than we ever could because You became one of us. Thank You Jesus! Lord, we pray that You would move in mighty ways among the followers of Islam. Soften their hearts, that they might turn to You, our Great God and Savior. And please guide C4C’s work in Indonesia. Point our feet and set our eyes on the people and places You would have us reach. And bless our Indonesian members with a fresh fire and passionate desire to proclaim Your Good News.

In Jesus name we pray, amen

Day 16 (July 13) – Bread of Life

“And Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.’” - John 6:35

Jesus makes this incredible promise that all who come to Him will never hunger or thirst again. He declares Himself to be the Bread of Life; fulfilling our every need and satisfying our every desire. All praise and thanks be unto our Bread of Life, who nourishes our souls! Pray today for those who are hungry and thirsty for more. Pray for Muslims seeking true satisfaction. Pray that they would come to know and follow Jesus, and be filled forevermore.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Tanzania – Pray for the roughly 31% of Tanzanians who follow Islam. Although Tanzania has experienced years of relative religious peace compared to their African neighbors, recently more violence has taken place. Pray for multitudes of Tanzania’s Muslims to hunger for more. Pray that they would find and embrace the Bread of Life.

Almighty God,

Thank You for being so much more than enough for our every need and desire. We pray, that by a moving of Your Spirit, many Muslim Tanzanians would come to faith in Jesus. We know oh Lord, that only You can provide rich and eternal life! Only You can truly satisfy. Only You can truly save. Please do that good work in the nation of Tanzania.

In Jesus name, amen.

Day 17 (July 14) – Light of the World

“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.’” - John 8:12

Until the light is turned on, it’s impossible to have any clue of the depth of darkness you’re walking in. Praise God that He has become our Light! He shined into our hearts and has given us the “light of life.” Many today are unknowingly walking in darkness. Many even practice “religion” trying to earn their way to heaven, yet still remain in the dark. Pray today for Muslims to come to the Light.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Tanzania – Pray for the Christians of Tanzania today. Pray for their faith in and knowledge of Jesus to deepen more and more. May they let their lights shine, so that others may see their good works and glorify the one true God. Pray for them to have a gentle yet strong witness – especially to their Muslim neighbors.  

Dear Lord,

We give You thanks and praise for being the Light of our lives. Thank You for opening our eyes to the Light of the World. And now we pray, that you would light up the Muslim world! Shine in their hearts and minds. We especially lift to You the Christians in Tanzania. Help them to shine brightly for You, that through their testimony many followers of Islam would glorify You and receive You as Lord.

In Jesus name, amen.

Day 18 (July 15) – Teacher

“You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am.” – John 13:13

What better Teacher could a person have than the One who is all-wise, all-knowing and all-seeing. Our Lord Jesus has an intimate understanding of all things because He created and sustains all things. Yet many still rebel against the wisdom and teaching of Jesus, who said, “whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.” Pray today for many to build their lives upon the all-wise, all-knowing, all-seeing Rock of Christ.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Tanzania – Today, we ask that you’d stand with us in prayer for persecuted Christians and their persecutors in the nation of Tanzania. Falling from number 24 last year, Tanzania is now number 49 on the Open Doors World Watch List (a list of the 50 worst nations for persecution of Christians). Though we praise the Lord for this, we recognize that much of the reason behind this change is not necessarily because things are improving by leaps and bounds in Tanzania, but because of a current political transition and things getting worse elsewhere in the world. Please pray that our Lord would protect and provide for those facing persecution. And pray for the persecutors as well. May many repent of their ways and come to faith in Jesus.

Dear Lord,

We thank You for being our incredible Teacher. Bless Your children with ears to hear and hearts to obey Your instructions and encouragements. Today, we lift up the persecution taking place in Tanzania. We pray that You would bless Your church in Tanzania. Help the Christian majority there to respond to all hostility with wisdom and great grace. And Lord, we ask that You would grab the hearts of many radical, political Islamists who seek to harm Your people. Replace their hatred and hardness towards You with love and faith.

In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Day 19 (July 16) – Advocate

“… And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” – 1 John 2:1

If not for Jesus, all of mankind would one day have to stand before the Judge and make payment for all of the wrong things we’ve ever said, done and even thought. What’s the payment? Death. The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. We who are in Christ have already had our sins paid for. Our atoning Advocate will approach the Father, stepping in front of His Redeemed and declare our debts to have been paid in full. Pray today for our Muslim neighbors who, having no Advocate, trust and hope in their own merit and obedience to the commands of Allah.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Tanzania – Join us praying for the Lord of the harvest to raise up and send out more laborers to Tanzania. May He move in the hearts of His people and give them hearts after His own. Pray for our Tanzanian brothers and sisters to have a passion for reaching their lost neighbors as well. May the Lord use those He sends in powerful ways to share His love and truth with the unsaved of Tanzania.


We thank You for paying the sin debt of the world through the life and sacrifice of Your only begotten Son, Jesus, our Advocate. We ask Lord that You would raise up and send more workers to the nation of Tanzania. We especially pray for a mighty move of Your Holy Spirit among the many followers of Islam. Show them their need for an Advocate. Reveal to them the utter hopelessness of relying on their own works. Point them to the perfect sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. Thank You Lord.

In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Day 20 (July 17) – Wonderful

“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful…” - Isaiah 9:6a

Our precious Lord truly is wonderful. Everything He does is wonderful and everything He is, is wonderful. As we seek to follow Him and His ways we can’t help but be filled with awe and amazement. Our Jesus – the Son of God, the Word of God, the Lamb of God – is so high and so holy and yet became so humble and so lowly. May we be filled with wonder today at Him who is called Wonderful. And may we pray that many of the world’s Muslims would be filled with that same wonder as their eyes behold Him high and lifted up.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Tanzania – Join us in prayer today for C4C’s future work in Tanzania. Please pray that God would bless us with clear direction in how best to minister to those who make their living off Mount Kilmanjaro. We desire not only to bless and build up the Christian guides and porters, but to see the Muslim guides and porters come to faith in Jesus. Pray for the Lord to have His wonderful way with this, one of C4C’s earliest visions. CLICK HERE to watch our Tanzania Prayer Video.

Dear Lord,

We come to you once again on behalf of Tanzania. We pray especially for those living in the Kilimanjaro area and/or making their living as guides or porters. We pray that You would reach the many Muslim guides and porters with Your Good News. And we ask for You to lead Your ministry of C4C in Tanzania. Please give C4C eyes to see the path You’ve prepared. Thank You Lord.

In Jesus name, amen.

Day 21 (July 18) – Prince of Peace

“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called … Prince of Peace.” – Isaiah 9:6

From before the foundations of the world, Jesus was declared to be the Prince of Peace. As all of mankind has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, Jesus stands the ruler of reconciliation and the only hope of harmony. He has made a way for peace! He is the way for peace. Only through trust in Christ can one be reconciled and find peace with God. Pray for the world’s Muslims today who believe in a false Jesus; a Jesus who did not die on the cross for the sins of the world. Of course without that sacrifice, there could be no peace. Pray today for many followers of Islam to find reconciliation with the True and Living God through Jesus, our Prince of Peace.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Pakistan – Pray for Pakistan’s Muslims, who comprise about 96% of the total population. Pray that many would come to understand their need for peace with God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for a mighty move of the Spirit of God upon this nation, that He would turn them from darkness to light.

Lord God,

We come to You now in thanks for the peace that You have provided, making a way for our reconciliation. Our desire is to see many in Pakistan turn from the false teaching of Islam to the truth of Jesus. We pray for Your Holy Spirit to move in and among Pakistan’s Muslims, drawing and opening the eyes of many. Oh Lord, we’re lost without You. We’re enemies of God apart from the blood of Jesus. Save many!

In the holy name of Jesus we pray, amen. 

Day 22 (July 19) – The Word

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” – John 1:14

Just as words communicate and describe concepts or ideas, Jesus is the perfect and complete expression of God. He declares not only the grace and truth of God, but He is in fact God with us. Praise Him for dwelling among us and allowing us to behold His glory and splendor. Pray today that many Muslims would embrace Jesus, full of grace and truth.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Pakistan – Please pray for the Christians of Pakistan, who comprise less than 3% of the total population. Pray that they would stand strong in the midst of the persecution that many face in this eighth ranked nation on the Open Doors World Watch List. May the Lord fill His beloved with the grace to endure and overcome.

Dear Lord,

We come to You now asking that Your reveal Yourself, the Word made flesh, to many followers of Islam. Show them Your incredible grace and indisputable truth. And we specifically lift up the nation of Pakistan once again. We ask that you would give strength to Your sons and daughters. Even in the face of hostility in the name of Islam, may they stand for love in the name of Jesus. Bless them Lord.

In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Day 23 (July 20) – The Way

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” – John 14:6

There is one way to the Father: through Jesus. His is the only path, His is the only road, He is the only Way. Many believe that their way is the right way. Many others believe that there way is one of many right ways. However, as we read in Proverbs 14:12, “there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” Join us today in asking that God would open the eyes and minds of followers of Islam throughout the world and show them the Way to the Father.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Pakistan – Today, pray for C4C’s partner ministry in Pakistan. Pray that the Lord would fill our brothers and sisters to overflowing with the Holy Spirit and with fresh fire to accomplish His will. Pray that they would be bold and bright witnesses for Jesus. And please pray for their protection as well.

Father in Heaven,

We come to You today on behalf of our partner ministry in Pakistan. We pray, Lord, that You would fill Your servants anew and afresh with Your Spirit. Grant them wisdom, knowledge, discernment and above all an even deeper love for You and for those You would have them minister to. Protect them in every way and provide for their every need. And we lift up the Muslims of the world to you as well. Lord, show them the Way. Open their eyes to see Jesus for who He truly is.

In His name we pray, amen.

Day 24 (July 21) – The Truth

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” – John 14:6

Truth is not relative. Truth is absolute. Though there may be many beliefs and many opinions, there are not many truths. In fact, ultimately there is only one Truth. Jesus declared Himself to be the Truth. Not only is He full of grace and truth, not only is His name “Faithful and True,” but He is in fact Truth and not anything or anyone can compare to His trustworthiness. Pray that many followers of Islam would be awakened to the lie and embrace the Truth.  

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Pakistan – Pray for the Lord to raise up more workers for Pakistan. Pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit, many would be called, equipped and sent to bring in a harvest of souls in this nation.

Dear Lord,

Thank You that You are the Truth. Open the eyes of those walking in the darkness and deception of Islam. Give them hearts to understand and receive You as Truth. And Lord, please send many of Your servants to Pakistan. Shine Your light into each and every corner of this country. Send Your servants to cities, to the slums, to the mountains and to the valleys. Call Your people to go. Prepare them to go. And bless them as they go to bring in a harvest and to bring You glory.

In Jesus name, amen. 

Day 25 (July 22) – The Life

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” – John 14:6

Not only is our Lord Jesus the only way to everlasting life, He's the only way to a truly abundant life. And not only is Jesus the way to everlasting and abundant life, He declares that He Himself is that Life. He alone is our portion and our prize. In Him we see every need and desire of our souls met because He possesses, provides and is the complete fulfillment of every godly desire. Pray today that many of the world’s Muslims would embrace and experience the everlasting and abundant life in Christ.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: Pakistan – C4C has been standing firm with a number of Pakistani Christians for several years now. Please lift up the future of C4C’s involvement in Pakistan. Pray for God to clearly guide our steps and provide wisdom for our every move and opportunity to minister. Please pray for God’s protection as well.

Almighty God,

We give thanks that not only does Jesus possess eternal life, but He in fact is the Life for us. Please bring many Muslims to bow their knees before You and to embrace and experience the abundant life of Christ You describe in Your precious Word. Lord, we commit to you C4C’s future work in Pakistan as well. Please lead us, that we might lead others to Life in Jesus! Grant your ministry of C4C the clear wisdom, direction and understanding needed to serve in this nation. Thank You Lord.

In the name of Jesus, amen.

Day 26 (July 23) – Immanuel

“‘Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,’ which is translated, ‘God with us.’” – Matthew 1:23

This night of Ramadan is different than the rest. Tonight is known as the “Night of Power.” Muslims believe that it was on this night centuries ago that Muhammad received his very first revelation from Allah. Their hope is that tonight they too would receive a special blessing or message from Allah. Many are genuinely seeking. Pray today that our precious Immanuel, God with us, would meet with Muslims around the globe and reveal Himself as Lord and Savior. Pray for visions and dreams for Muslims. Pray that He would speak to those whose hearts are truly seeking.

  • C4C Prayer Focus: The World – Pray for Muslims in unreached and unengaged areas of the world today. Pray that God’s people would hear His voice, which still calls out to go to the ends of the earth and preach the Gospel to every creature. Pray for the Spirit of God to go before His workers to open doors, soften hearts and prepare the way.

Dear Lord,

During this Night of Power, we pray that You would reveal that You alone, the one true God, hold the power. By Your Spirit, move in mighty ways in and among those who searching. Lord, we pray that this truly would be a night of power as You move powerfully and reveal Yourself as Immanuel, God with us. We also pray for You to raise up men and women to reach the unreached and engage the unengaged throughout the world. May Your kingdom come and may Your will be done in every corner of the earth and among every people.

In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Day 27 (July 24) – Lord of lords

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords! For His mercy endures forever.” -Psalm 136:6

All praise to our Lord of lords, Whose mercy endures forever. Once clothed in white and counted as clean, the saved sinner will forever be completely covered in the mercy of God through the blood of the Savior. It is then that nothing will be able to separate the follower of Jesus from the incredible love of God. Pray today that many Muslims would come to embrace Jesus as the Lord of lords and the Lord of their life. Pray that they would find the mercy they so desperately need at the foot of the cross of Christ.   

  • C4C Prayer Focus: The World – There are a number of Islamist groups who hold to extremely violent and hostile tactics against all who oppose their strict interpretation of the Qur’an. From al-Shabaab to Boko Haram to al Qa’ida, these groups are a danger to all who stand in their way of seeing the world converted to Islam. Pray today for many to come out of these groups and come to the Lord for forgiveness.  


We come to You now on behalf of followers of Islam all around the world, pleading for Your great mercy. We ask Lord, that You would speak to their hearts and reveal Yourself as the Lord of lords and the only One worthy to be the Lord of their lives. And we lift specifically the extremist groups who persecute Your people and so many others. We ask that You would extend Your merciful hand to them. Open their eyes to the evil of their ways. Reveal Your heart of love and compassion to them. We pray that You would move in mighty ways and that a great awakening would take place among these extremists, no matter the cost.

In Jesus name, amen!

Day 28 (July 25) – King of kings

“And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”Revelation 19:16

Amen! All authorities on earth will one day bow down to the ultimate Authority in heaven. No matter how influential, wise or strong an earthy king might be and no matter how wealthy, far-reaching or majestic his earthly kingdom, he simply cannot compare to the One Whom the heavens cannot contain. Pray today that many followers of Islam would embrace the King of kings, Jesus. Pray that the Holy Spirit would lead them to embrace the truth about Jesus, forsaking the many lies and distortions the Qur’an teaches about Him. Pray that King Jesus would be welcomed onto the throne of many Muslim hearts – today, even as we pray!  

  • C4C Prayer Focus: The World – There are multiplied millions of kind and sincere Muslims around the world today. There are many for whom Islam is as much a cultural identity as it is a religion. For most, even considering another “religion” is like considering treason. Pray today for Muslims who are in bondage to the immense pressure of culture, heritage and family.  

Heavenly King,

We come to You now on behalf of the Muslims of the world. We ask that by Your Spirit, You would prepare their hearts to receive You as King. We ask that You would send Your servants to share the Good News with the lost. And we pray, Lord, for You to move in powerful ways among the average Muslim, who perhaps aren't even aware of the cultural and familial pressure they’re under. Please grant many Muslims the boldness to go against the current and stand for the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Day 29 (July 26) – Hope of Glory

“To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” – Colossians 1:27

Most religions offer the hope of glory, Islam included. However, only One can deliver. Christ is the only true and secure hope of glory. He is the only way to the Father and to heaven. Muslims believe that on the day of judgment their good deeds will be weighed against their bad, then essentially Allah will do as Allah pleases, whether just or unjust. There isn’t much hope in that. Praise God that our Hope of Glory, Jesus, has already paid in full the debt we owed. He has already been “weighed” and had the punishment for our sins placed upon Him. He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities and it's by His stripes we are healed. He alone is our Hope our Hope of Glory!

  • C4C Prayer Focus: The World – Although there are not nearly enough, there are many Christ followers serving the Lord among Muslim peoples across the globe. Pray that the Lord would equip and enable them to be powerful witnesses of the Hope of Glory. Pray for the Lord to provide for their needs and protect them from every scheme of the enemy. Pray for a powerful move of the Spirit of God to raise up and send more to reach the Muslim world for Christ!

Dear Lord,

We give You thanks for You are the only Hope of Glory. God, there are so many who are deceived into believing in a false hope in their false gods or their own human efforts. We ask, Lord, that You would awaken their spirits to see that the only Hope is Jesus. And Lord, please send more workers to the harvest. There is so much work to be done. Please move among Your people and send out Your sons and daughters share Your love and truth with those who hold to the religion of Islam.

In Jesus name, amen.

Day 30 (July 27) – JESUS

“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

Throughout this year’s Muslim celebration of the month of Ramadan, we’ve been praying for followers of Islam from all over the world. We’ve been especially focusing our prayers around through some of the names or titles of our Savior. But one name, is more beautiful than them all. This one name captures the essence of all the others. It’s simply the name Jesus. No name is as sweet yet strong, precious yet powerful, uniting yet dividing, and inclusive yet exclusive. As Ramadan comes to a close, please continue to pray for the Muslim world – their only hope is in the name of JESUS!

  • C4C Prayer Focus: The World – C4C is actively working in several nations in which Muslims comprise a large percentage of the population, and we have members in many more. Please pray for continual guidance and direction for C4C in these places. Pray that the Lord would equip us in every way and provide all that is needed to reach out to Muslim people wherever He wills to send us.

Lord God,

We give thanks for this incredible month of prayer. We thank You for Your ever-open ear to the pleas of Your people and we know that You have moved and will continue to move in powerful ways among all those we’ve lifted to You this month. And Lord, looking forward now, we pray for Your blessing to be upon Your ministry of C4C and others willing to reach out to the Muslim world. Fill us with wisdom, understanding and the love of Jesus. Lead, guide, protect and provide according to Your will.

In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.  


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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