Gary Fallesen / Sunday, July 17, 2011 / Categories: Haiti, Mission: Haiti 2011, Mission Moments Sunday, July 17 The church at Malasi. Missionary Miguel Rubén Guante preached about forgiveness — using the story of Jesus washing feet, including those of Judas, in John 13:1-7 — at the church at Malasi, where 63 people worshiped. There were 72 worshiping in Thoman and 60 in the Dominican border town of Jimani. We did not get a report from Gentilhomme, but these numbers are similar to July 10 for the Monte Pou Kris church. “The people, the church, the farms are not well,” Miguel said, pointing out that some people have experienced cholera and there has been too much rain this year. “There still has not been a harvest, so they have not money. (What is bad) for the farms is too much rain. The corn, the beans, the potato they don't need much water. When they get too much rain, it is bad for the harvest. That is the case of Malasi now. “I hope the rain stops for some time to avoid losing the good beans. Pray for God to look after the Malasi farmers.” Oh, my God, there is so much work to do Trip Report: Peru Print 3812 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author