Gary Fallesen / Monday, October 3, 2011 / Categories: Mission: Peru 2011, Mission Moments Survey says harvest is plentiful in Peru (Tuesday, Oct. 4) Jaime trekking into Yacuywarmi, Peru. Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, was preparing for another survey mission — this time with our sponsored climber Edwin Milla. The pair will be going into villages in the Cordillera Negra range opposite the Cordillera Blanca Oct. 10-13. In September, Servat said God “showed me His love and the trails to understand better His grace and mercy through His mountains in the Ancash provinces” during his September survey mission. “Praise God because He is All in All.” Friday, Sept. 30 Survey says harvest is plentiful in Peru Print 2799 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author