Thankful for a roof over their heads

Gary Fallesen

Thankful for a roof over their heads

Mission Moment: Mozambique (Oct. 2)

The body of believers in the village of Milatu, Mozambique is not taking for granted the church roof over their heads. “The congregation is much thankful for the wonderful support to their project,” Pastor Duncan Nyozani said from across the border in Malawi.

The church at Milatu is part of Duncan’s Searchlight Ministries.

Pastor James Namame of the church at Milatu appealed to Climbing For Christ to have a building constructed in March 2011. It was not God’s timing for us to build then — as much as we might have liked to. More than a year later, Duncan reported: “They are having Sunday services under a tree.” We kept praying.

The church was moved to start making bricks on its own. God answered this by sending support to Climbing For Christ to begin building walls in June. Now a roof has been added. Soon the inside will be finished and the church will be dedicated to the Lord.

Work on the roof began in the second week of September, above and below.

The back of the new church.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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