Wednesday, May 11

Gary Fallesen

Wednesday, May 11

Jaime Servat welcoming the team to Peru.

Peru members Jaime Servat and Edwin Milla were waiting in the airport, welcome sign in hand, to greet us after our eight-hour overnight flight from Los Angeles to Lima. Jaime was overjoyed to be able to meet a C4C team from the United States. During the seven-hour drive from Lima to Huaraz he recalled learning about the ministry five years ago.

“I want to remember today specially to tell how God linked us through His Holy Spirit using a Belgian trekker when I was outreaching His name to the farmers and climbers in the Llamac village (on the) way to Cordillera Huayhuash to the southeast of Huaraz,” Jaime read from a letter of welcome as another C4C member (Franklin Chavez) and his brother (Victor) drove our rented van.

The Belgian asked Jaime if he was a Christian climber. “I said no, I am not. I am a Christian missionary trekker.” But, Jaime said, “this meeting and conversation guided me to pray and (search online for) ministries related to climbers.”

“So great was my awesome God when He showed me Then reading the HIStory, I was moved by His Spirit to apply my membership and after another day I was crying, blessed, excited to be the first member in my country and to be recognized as a missionary, too.”

Now there are a dozen members here, most of them in the mountainous Huaraz area. Huaraz (population 48,000, elevation 10,200 feet/3,091 meters) stands in the shadow of the stupendous Cordillera Blanca, the highest mountain range outside the Himalayas. This is where our team is now.

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” — 2 Corinthians 3:17

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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