Gary Fallesen / Monday, September 28, 2015 / Categories: Canada, Chapters, C4C Canada, Mission Moments C4C Canada 2015 Annual Meeting Developing ‘True Grit’ By Gary Fallesen Founding president, Climbing For Christ I evoked the memory of American hero John Wayne to kick off the second Climbing For Christ CANADA Annual Meeting in Crowsnest Pass, AB on Friday, Sept. 25. We surprised our Canadian Board of Directors with a story and then I shared a devotional I wrote, called “True Grit.” We discussed being committed for the long haul and the need for perseverance to accomplish God’s goal for this ministry. As the apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Christians in Rome: “we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope” (Romans 5:3-4). This led to a discussion about what might be discouraging and disappointing in trying to serve the Lord through C4C. Namely, getting others to commit – from convicting members to PRAY, GIVE and GO to introducing outsiders to a ministry that is passionate about GO-ing where others cannot or will not. Many times people don’t get the importance, urgency and relevance of sending believers to mountainous areas at the ends of the earth. We reviewed the year to date and previewed the year to come. The Board, which welcomed newly elected Louis-Olivier Petelle, discussed potential C4C Canada projects and pledged to pray for the direction this could lead. “My highlight was at the end when everyone was praying because we could hear each person’s heart for His ministry C4C,” said Brandy Fisher, our Canada coordinator and Board vice president. Brandy was re-elected to her VP position for another three-year term. She continues to serve alongside Aaron Hemphill, Pastor Al Robinson, Andrew Bailey, Louis-Olivier, Elaine Fallesen, and me. “Also (another highlight was) seeing how your devo encouraged and challenged people to press into God through the challenges and be like ‘the little train that could,’” Brandy added. The Board approved a 2016 budget of US$54,525 ($72,700CAD at the time of the meeting) as C4C Canada continues to support the work Climbing For Christ national members are doing in Malawi, Nepal, Pakistan and Peru, among others. “…in order that you may know the way you shall go, for you have not passed this way before.” – Joshua 3:4b (ESV) C4C Canada Board holding Annual Meeting Photo of the Week: Indonesia Print 5257 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author