C4C Canada Board holding Annual Meeting
“The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.”
– Proverbs 16:9 (ESV)
Climbing For Christ CANADA was established three years ago and on Friday (Sept. 25) the C4C Canada Board of Directors will be gathering in Crowsnest Pass, Alberta for our Annual Meeting.
Please lift travel to and from this meeting, our time of fellowship, and – most importantly – decisions made during the Annual Meeting. May our Board be divinely inspired and unified by the Holy Spirit.
Pray for Board members: Gary Fallesen (president), Brandy Fisher (vice president and volunteer C4C Canada coordinator), Aaron Hemphill (secretary), Pastor Al Robinson (treasurer), Andrew Bailey (at-large), Elaine Fallesen (at-large), and Louis-Olivier Petelle (at-large).