DISPATCH: Tuesday, July 24
Today was amazing! We began by visiting with a family that Jaime had met and ministered to on his last visit to Chilcabamba. The grandmother of this family received Jesus as her Savior after we shared the Gospel with her.
Later, we met up with Carmina, who took us to a neighboring village called Carhuaeara. We trekked for about one hour under the scorching mid-day sun. There we met and prayed with a handful of the town’s 11 Christians. After we trekked back to Chilcabamba, Justin and the others began setting up for our Jesus film presentation while Jaime, Carmina and I went to visit a local elderly Christian woman named Feliciana, who was asking for prayer. Feliciana was very sore all over her body and also suffered from bad dreams. We anointed her with oil and prayed over her.
In the evening, many people began arriving for the film. We ended up having about 60 people in attendance. Many of the people prayed for salvation after the movie. We then handed out Bibles and gave snacks to the children. God moved in a huge way in Chilcabamba and Carhuaeara, and it was a great privilege to be a part of it.
“And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them…” — Mark 16:20 (NKJV)
— 11:30 p.m. local time