Mission Moments: Malawi

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Malawi

God smiles on Mulanje Massif

By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ

“I thank God for giving us a victorious moment to gather with my brothers here despite the coronavirus situation.” – Damson Samson, Climbing For Christ staff member on the Mulanje Massif Chapter’s DMD training in May

Mulanje Massif Chapter members. (Photo by Damson Samson)

It was heart-check time in southern Malawi. Damson Samson, our Kingdom worker who is based there, wondered if the cost and time spent with the guides and porters in our Mulanje Massif Chapter was producing a return. Was it bringing something positive for the Kingdom of God?

“I really wanted to get every step we are taking to bring glory to the Father,” Damson said.

On the first day of the quarterly two-day training, he addressed what has been taught in our disciples-making-disciples (DMD) study. The group that graduated in August 2019 from our first-year program by ministry partner The Timothy Initiative began the second, more-advanced training in March on Mission: Malawi 2020 (see March 17 and 18). Damson wanted to review past lessons to make sure the support Climbing For Christ receives for this training was funding well spent.

“Yes, my heart was very joyful to learn how many have improved in reaching others with the Gospel,” said Damson, who heard stories of lives transformed from the 17 chapter members in attendance on May 26 and 27.

One guide talked about leaving early trainings to drink beer and smoke and then return to our workshops. This time he was fasting and praying for the meeting.

Another member confessed to being “troublesome to the community,” so much so he ended up in the Mulanje Prison. “But by His grace through all these trainings everything has changed completely for him,” Damson said.

Still another member spoke about the Holy Spirit leading him to go from house to house in his village to share what he was learning through our DMD training.

“I had a smiling morning learning what God has done through all we have spent,” Damson reported. “Many of these brothers are now church leaders. Previously, nobody could have trusted them with any responsibility in the church.”

With that, Damson gladly continued the DMD lessons – this time covering the “Assurance of Salvation” and “Understanding Prayer & Daily Devotions.”

Damson teaching.

“The team was responding so great in this lesson and loved to learn so much,” Damson said. “We went far to the next level of commitment, signing (a covenant) to say, ‘Yes, I am a born again Christian.’”

The group then spent the second day discussing and practicing prayer. This included taking time to pray for Climbing For Christ, our leadership, and all the members who support the ministry.

This training is an offshoot of our work with the Kilimanjaro Chapter in Tanzania. We had the resources from The Timothy Initiative and God led us to use it in Malawi as well. It is the first time TTI resources have been translated into Chichewa and our small group of guides and porters have excelled at the training. Our goal here is the same as in Tanzania: equipping and empowering guides and porters to share the Gospel with tourists and with co-workers on and off the mountain.

Coronavirus did not stop our Mulanje Massif Chapter from meeting. CLICK HERE to read how Damson surprised the guides and porters with some of our COVID-19 relief. 


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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