Mission Moments: Malawi
Ngoni people standing up for Jesus. (Photos by Damson Samson)
Uncovering sin among the Ngoni
Damson Samson told all of those Ngoni people who had gathered in Central Malawi about the first sin. He shared with them from Genesis 3 and how Adam and Eve, as soon as they realized what they had done, “sewed fig leaves together to make something to cover themselves” (Genesis 3:7).
Hiding our sin is as common as the rising of the sun.
But Damson, Climbing For Christ’s Malawi-based missionary to East Africa, explained: “Covering our sins does not do us well. We need to come up to show who we are to Him so He can forgive our sins.
“So we looked around to see where we have the most fig covering in life.
“From this, many realized they are sinners and they gave up right in the service sniffing tobacco and said, ‘I don’t need it any more.’”
More than 28 accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and all of heaven rejoiced. Another 60-plus asked for prayer for deliverance from sin issues.
“Those who were sick, they were healed right there,” Damson reported. “Some, they left their walking sticks right there.”
The Malawi Ngoni is a partially reached people who are underserved by missions. The Ngoni, who number 1.9 million, mostly practice traditional animistic religion, although many have formally accepted Islam. Climbing For Christ began outreach among the Ngoni, who are near neighbors of Damson’s, in April 2017. We visited them during Mission: Malawi 2017.
This was the first of several outreaches planned for 2018. Damson spent three days teaching, preaching, and loving the Ngoni from Jan. 25-27.
One of the group village leaders confessed that she had never heard or seen “prayers like this.” She thanked heaven for what Climbing For Christ was doing in Central Malawi and asked that we continue to minister there so more lives can be changed.
The day after that blessed gathering in which many turned to Jesus, Damson delivered blankets for more than 100 Ngoni people.
Chickens for Christ
A bird in the hand.
Closer to his home, Damson continued work among the widows of southern Malawi during the month of January. We invested US $1,500 (the same amount that funded outreach among the Ngoni) to provide chickens to the elderly we have ministered to since 2016.
“We bought over 200 chickens, which were given to (widows in many) villages,” Damson said, adding that they called this “the answer to many of their prayers. This can facilitate many things at home, such as getting eggs for food and meat as well as manure. On the other hand, some will sell them to put to hospital bills, fees for their grandchildren, soap and other things.”
The widows sent their collective thanks and hope that the Lord will continue remembering this ministry for HIS glory.