Mission Moments: Malawi

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Malawi

Housing project a sweet dream for Malawi widows

By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ

No more nightmares for smiling Malita Seven, right, with Climbing For Christ’s Damson Samson.

Malita Seven suffered from bad dreams. But since workers began to repair her house as part of Climbing For Christ’s work with widows in southern Malawi, she said, “there is a great change.”

The 75-year-old told Damson Samson, our Malawi-based kingdom worker to East Africa, that this ministry is “like an ark where God told Noah to make it so many can be rescued. But (people) refused and later they wanted to get in. Many are coming to be part and parcel of this organization. When people were still working I called my kids, who were around, and went into the house to pray just to thank God for His provision.”

Damson found 10 more houses to be repaired with the last of the $13,659.02 received from Hope Lutheran Church in Rochester, NY, USA. Previously, 15 houses were built with Hope funds, and a total of 25 houses have been renovated since this project began in April.

Lidia Mukakama in front of her house as it is being repaired.

Lidia Mukakama, 66, was – like most recipients of this blessing – humbled to receive such a gift. She told Damson that she was sure she could not survive in a house where “while inside, you could see outside” through cracks in the walls.

“She said the community has really changed and this project is demonstrating the true love of Christ Jesus to many widows,” Damson reported. “I have seen God throughout since we started working with this group here.”

Damson initiated this ministry to widows in his and surrounding villages in desperately poor Malawi at the start of 2016. He delivered food, sleeping mats, clothing, and roofs. In short, he brought hope. He also began Bible studies with the widows and encouraged them to help one another in whatever ways they could.

We have been blessed to support Damson’s work, expanding our Project 1:27 for orphans in Malawi (and Nepal) to include these widows.

Estery Kantiki, above, and Dina Sonjela, below with Damson, waving outside their renovated houses.

“All the renovations demanded cement, sand, labor, doors and windows, as well as a small number of bricks per house,” Damson said, explaining expenses. “If God could provide a little (more), like $500, we could have new doors and windows fixed before rain (begins in November).”

The rainy season is December to March. But the country has endured a drought since the devastating floods of January 2015. As a result, more and more people are experiencing severe hunger. The poorest of the poor are the widows. God has provided $500 through Climbing For Christ this month to help Damson buy food for these widows.

Smart Maonga outside his repaired house.

Smart Maonga, 78, has seen water rushing into his home during the occasional rainstorms since flooding damaged the house. “He had no effort to strengthen the broken wall,” Damson said, “but now he sees God at work for he could die without seeing what he can touch now.”

Fany Chikwawa with Damson.

Fany Chikwawa, 62, “has the same story of her house being ruined,” Damson said. “Every rain coming in so she couldn’t sleep in the house for all the water was coming into the house through the walls. She is very thankful for the hand given to her. She is praying for long life to all who are contributing to this organization.”

Emily Lupiya, above, and Esnart Chenjerani, below, joined the new-house celebration.

Esnart Chenjerani, 64, lost her husband 20 years ago. “Since that time, life had been hell on earth,” Damson said. “Those who could have supported her died as well and she was like a forsaken woman.

“Now all that is the story of the past. She can smile all the time and has started praying.”

Mary Botomani, above, is a pastor who Damson said “has been very supportive to the (widows) Bible study group. She is the one who takes over in sharing the Gospel to widows around the community when I am not there.” Her reward for this service was a fixed-up house.

Bonongwe Vareya’s house in the village of Msema is being rebuilt from the ground up.

Bonongwe Vareya has “been so miserable as a man” since the January 2015 floods destroyed his house. He could do nothing about it. Now, through the grace of God, Damson is building him a new one.

Damson has explained to all of the widows how God has provided for their needs through “those kind people” who are supporting Climbing For Christ in prayer and generous financial gifts.

Mary Botomani told him, “We have seen the widows’ project like a manger where Christ was placed in. We see many lives being transformed through this manger.”

Can you help?

Please contribute to the care of the least of these by sending a donation to Climbing For Christ c/o Widows Project 1:27 at P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or CLICK HERE to give via PayPal and email info@ClimbingForChrist.org to alert us to your donation.

In Canada, make checks payable to The Great Commission Foundation, and on the memo line add Climbing For Christ CANADA c/o Widows Project 1:27. Mail your support to: The Great Commission Foundation, #3 – 1335 Trans Canada Way SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1B 1J1. Or give online at http://tgcfcanada.org/donate. Mark your contribution: “Climbing For Christ CANADA c/o Widows Project 1:27.”

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