Mission Moments: Nepal

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Nepal

Thriving through challenge

Visiting the house church at Ghapa during Mission: Nepal 2017. (Photo by Gary Fallesen)

Pastor Dulsar and the church at Korchabang planted a church in nearby Dharmashala in the remote reaches of Nepal’s Mid-West district of Rolpa. Climbing For Christ was blessed to help both villages build houses of worship. As the Dharmashala church was under construction we were introduced to another church plant in Ghapa. This house church has grown to 51 saved souls.

Dulsar, a former Maoist, has been busy since we met him in 2012. CLICK HERE to read the story “From guerrilla fighter to God’s soldier” in The Climbing Way (Volume 43, June-August 2018). Of late, he has led five more people to the Lord. He also received Climbing For Christ Kingdom worker Megh Gurung’s motorcycle as a gift. “I hope he is riding and enjoying that,” said Megh, who now takes public transportation around Kathmandu because he has no motorcycle.

Giving hearts make a difference no matter the challenges.

The churches C4C has helped in Rolpa are not the only ones continuing to thrive despite the government’s anti-conversion laws:

  • In Pokhara, where we would like to build a training center, Pastor Prem reported three new believers. The goal of the church there is 50 new believers in 2019.
  • In Humla, brother Thana said a new family came to the Lord in the village of Thehe. Thana is a C4C worker. We are praying for Lakhune, an old man with breathing problems who was not a believer when we first trekked to his village of Thehe in 2012, but he later accepted Jesus and memorized many Bible passages by listening to the audio Bible we distribute. The number of believers in Thehe has grown from two in 2012 to more than 30 today.

Lakhune in Thehe during Mission: Nepal 2014. (Photo by Gary Fallesen)

  • In Kathmandu, ministry partner Tej Rokka’s C4C-supported radio ministry is heard three days a week on three stations. “We are asked to pray for sick people,” Pastor Tej said. “Receiving requests and questions about God, salvation, etc. We are praying and trusting God to make it fruitful.” 

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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