Survey Reports: October 2011

Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Mission: Peru 2011

Survey Reports: October 2011

October 2011

Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, returned again to the mission field to survey the needs from Oct. 21-29. Jaime gave thanks for what the Lord showed him and for His “strength to persist.” Jaime has been ill, “but His mercy was covering me every time I was weak. Oh, my Lord, I love you.”

Here is Jaime’s edited report:

River crossing between Yanama and Palo Verde.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” — Galatians 6:9-10 (NIV)

Friday, Oct. 21

I arrived in the Yanama District at 12: 45 p.m. I was waiting for Pastor Romulo in the Yanama Plaza, but he was not there, so I called Pastor Moises. Pastor Moises guided me to his village called Quitaracza, which is downhill from Achicay village. We started at 4 p.m. and arrived at 6 in Quitaracza village, where Pastor Moises invited me to dinner. Then we went together to Palo Verde village, where I met Pastor Romulo. He informed me that he had been told I would not be in Yanama. That was bad news. But I was invited to stay there.

Saturday, Oct. 22

At 8 a.m. I saw brother Oscar, who is the son of Pastor Romulo. He was suffering epilepsy, but he said that God is healing it. I was praying for him and teaching some parts of His Word in the Bible.

Palo Verde.

I was informed by Pastor Romulo on the situation in his village called Palo Verde: Population – 45 people; believers – 30; to reconcile – 5; to deliver the Good News – 8.

Pastor Romulo told me that he is open to get a campaign with C4C Ministry and he showed me a piece of land, which he can grant to a church with C4C.

I was going to stay in Quitaracza village, where they are building a church. I was praying to God that He may provide me the cover of a roof.

Sunday, Oct. 23-Tuesday, Oct. 25

I was hosted by Pastor Moises in Quitaracza village to give messages in worship on field and a house every day. Approximately 30 brothers were blessed with His Word.

Wednesday, Oct. 26-Thursday, Oct. 27

At 4 am Pastor Moises and I started from Quitaracza village to Yanama District. I was on a horse because of pains, which I suffered when I was in Cordillera Negra. Praise God! We arrived at Yanama at 6 a.m. There we said we would see what God willed.

I was lodged in a room of Pastor Esteban Lazarte to rest for two days to recover from bronchitis.

Friday, Oct. 28

At 12 p.m., just when I would get a van to Chalhua from Yanama, I met Alison and her grandmother Teresa, who told me that they came from Yanama Hospital. Alison had something wrong with her ear.

Then we went together to Chalhua village.

At 4 p.m. we prepared a party for Alison, praying before God so He may bless the meeting to celebrate her 10th birthday. Really, it was a nice time to see Alison so happy with some kids and parents there.

I brought a gift from brother Jans Amaya of C4C Peru, and a letter from brother Jesse Fallesen of C4C USA and me, too. Jesse encouraged Alison to keep reading the Bible he had given her during Mission: Peru 2011 in May. Jesse wrote: “God has a very special plan for you and your life!”

Saturday, Oct. 29

At 10 a.m. I was talking with Alison’s mother, Taina. She is praying and attending a Church in Lima city and waiting that God may give her His healing. So I prayed for her.

At 12:15 p.m. I started from Yanama to be in Yungay at 3:15 p.m. Then I arrived in Huaraz city at 4:30 p.m. Praise God!

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.” — 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 (NIV)

October 2011

Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, said God changed our plans to His plans and showed us a village in the Cordillera Negra “open to receive His name.” Jaime went with Edwin Milla, a guide and C4C’s sponsored climber, and Edwin’s brother Marco. The original plan, scheduled Oct. 10-13, was altered by agricultural protests — farmers violently trying to reclaim land in the region. “They attack with stones any public or private transportation,” Jaime said. “But one day after the radio stations said it was quiet, we prayed and started the trip the next day.” They traveled into the Cordillera Negra (a smaller range opposite the Cordillera Blanca) on Oct. 16 and 17.

Jaime (foreground) and Marco trekking in the Cordillera Negra. (Photo by Edwin Milla)

Here are edited excerpts from Jaime’s detailed report:

Sunday, Oct. 16

Pampacancha with Cordillera Blanca in the background. (Photo by Jaime Servat)

God added brother Marco Milla, a member of C4C Peru, to the missionary exploration trip and we started to Antacocha at 6 a.m. We arrived at 8 a.m. and got to see a beautiful lagoon, where we could view part of the Cordillera Blanca (including the Huascaran Mountain). We took a breakfast and prayed and then began walking to Pampacancha. We came upon an Assembly of God church and God put in my heart to visit a Christian family and ask for a place to get new people for the C4C ministry.

We were informed to go visit brother Leoncio in his house, but we met his daughter — called sister Vecxa Chavezso — and she told me that the day before they were praying to God to be visited by Christians who can evangelize in a village called Ranraucro. “And you arrived like a miracle of God to visit that village,” she said.

Ranraucro. (Photo by Jaime Servat)

We asked her how long it would take to arrive at Ranraucro village and she said approximately 40 minutes. When we reached Ranraucro village we decided to stop to take a break and eat a snack at the side of the road. The village looked uninhabited. But just then a man came and we greeted him and asked for a little time. He told us who he was and that there were about 120 people in Ranraucro. He said many would be willing to come back to the Lord (apparently a pastor who had been in “disobedience” had driven many away). We talked about those who wanted to be reconciled with the Lord and the possibility of land in the village for a church. He said he needed a Bible so we gave him a New Testament. We said we would be praying for this new opportunity.

Magnificant Cordillera Blanca panorama. (Photo by Jaime Servat)

We went on and arrived at Antacocha lagoon. Brother Edwin, who joined us there, was exited to hear our testimony. We lunched and after that we decided to start to explore another village through the hills. We talked three hours, but God was showing us nothing. We had passed some villages with people who were anti-Christian so we continued exploring. Evening was coming and we stopped and camped on a hill. We prayed for His protection. There had been some farmers who wanted to frighten us away.

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” — Psalm 4:8 (NIV)

Monday, Oct. 17

Handing out tracts and Bibles in Puyuhuampampa. (Photo by Edwin Milla)

At 6 a.m. we gave thanks to God and planned what to do next. Brother Edwin said we would be going to the Wilcacocha lagoon area, which was a four-hour walk away. We started at 8 a.m. and arrived at 12 at a place called Puyuhuampampa. There was a family living there that came to greet us and they told us they were believers but without Bibles. We gave them five New Testaments and we prayed for them. Then we followed our trip one hour more to get Wilcacocha lagoon area, where we visited some houses. The people were working in the fields and tending their animals. We were informed that they are unbelievers and anti-Christians, too. We camped by the side of the lagoon, ate lunch, and then decided to return that night to Huaraz. We called our friend and C4C Peru member Frank Beteta, who came with his van to carry us back. We thank God for this journey, His love, and to see His will in our lives one more time.

“Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” — Psalm 5:12 (NIV)

September 2011

Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, said God “showed me His love and the trails to understand better His grace and mercy through His mountains in the Ancash provinces. Praise God because He is All in All.”

Here are edited excerpts from Jaime’s detailed report of his Sept. 19-27 mission:

“He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.” — Psalm 144:2

“…because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” — Proverbs 3:12

Sunday, Sept. 18

I arrived to Chalhua at 10:30 a.m. and I met Eleazar, Alison’s grandfather, and he told me that Alison and her grandmother would come on Tuesday. We shared in His word many times during the day.

Monday, Sept. 19

At 3 p.m. I went to Machco village, uphill from Chalhua, to deliver New Testaments to a new believer, lady Irene Luna, her brother Juan and Angel Luna. This was a good time to seed His holy word.

Alison sending a greeting to Climbing For Christ.

At 5 p.m. I went back to Chalhua and Alison and her grandmother, Teresa, were there. They told me that in Lima city they were with (Alison’s mother) Taina. They went to the Evangelical church many times, but were sad because Taina, who is 28 years old, was suffering many epilepsy (seizures). Alison cried to God with her grandmother Teresa to see His healing to Taina. She needs many tests and the total cost would be 600 Peru Soles — or US$217.39 (US$1 = $2.76 PS).

As Alison told about their parting moment, she was embracing me and crying. I said, “Oh my God of mercy and compassion, I claim you as my Eternal Lord. Please be healing Taina so Your daughter Alison will be blessed and joyful. That is my prayer always.”

After this I gave Alison a jacket provided by a tourist from England, a kitchen leather, a towel, and some crackers. Alison was very happy again and her tears were dried by His love and I said: “My Lord is using me and letting me show His love — unique and true.”

Tuesday, Sept. 20

At 9 a.m. I started from Chalhua to Wicruncocha village, arriving five hours later. I was able to rest and then share a blessed message in Conchucos Quechua again in the Good News Church. Praise God!

Wednesday, Sept. 21

At 8:40 a.m. I started from Wicruncocha to Yacuywarmi village, arriving at 9:15 a.m. Brother Avelino and his family met me. Avelino was having stomach pains so I prayed for him and he went to a medical office. He promised to go to church because he was in disobedience. He recognized, in tears, that he was apart from the congregation (the family of believers). He repented with the Lord.

Michel, right, reading from the New Testament given by Jaime.

Then I was talking with his son, brother Michel Agustin, so we prayed and he was reconciled with our Lord Jesus and received a New Testament from the Gideon’s. He was happy and blessed.

At 10:30 a.m. I started from Yacuywarmi to Wicruncocha village, arriving at 11:10 a.m. I told church leader Pedro, “See you next time, if God so desires,” and I started again to Sapcha town at 11:35 a.m. I arrived there at 1:10 p.m. I was sad because the school was closed so I could not meet Julino, who is 14 years old. I rested, ate and drank water. I prayed and was alone going from Sapcha at 1:50 p.m. to Cocha village, where I arrived at 2:30 p.m. I met brother Isidro Olortegui, who is 90 years old and deaf. I prayed for him and he told me that in Cocha the farmers are unbelievers and he is a unique believer.

At 3 p.m. I started to Cacarey village to meet the family of Sister Gregoria, but I was lost one hour in a big forest. You could see the downhill villages. I said, “Oh, my God, I do not (see) this white roof, which I was told to look for by my brother Isidro. Please guide me, and if you want guide me to another place near from the forest.” I was taken another way under prayer in in 30 minutes of walking I could see a farmer lady sitting on her field caring for her animals. It was like she was waiting for me, so I ran to her saying, “God, please I hope she speaks Spanish.” And she spoke Spanish! I said, “Oh my God, I love You.”

I asked her “what is the name of this village?” She said Hornopampa. I said, “Please, lady, here in this village, do you know some Christians?” And she said brother Eleuterio. So, giving thanks to God for that lady that God was using, I went to brother Eleuterio and explained my case. He said, “Do not worry, I will guide you to where sister Gregoria and her family live. But before we go, please pray for my wife, who is suffering body pains.” I prayed for her and then we went to Cacarey. But along the way we met a lady, called Monica, who was 29 years old and has two sons, and she received the Lord Jesus and we gave her a New Testament.

We arrived at Cacarey village at 5 p.m. I said goodbye to brother Eleuterio. Sister Gregoria and her sons and daughter-in-law greeted me and I prayed thanks to God. Sister Gregoria told me in Cacarey village there are 45 people, but only nine believers. She said there are possibly 10 souls more (who would hear) if one day we make an evangelic outreach and visit. They are able to grant land to God.

They invited me to dinner and, after we had a worship and teaching, they understood His faithfulness and about perseverance. I gave them four New Testaments.

Thursday, Sept. 22

At 10 a.m. I was visiting some families, but they were in their far fields working. So I saw a lady, Olimpia Paz, who is 30 years old and suffers epilepsy, and her husband. They had gone to Chacas city to the hospital, but had not money to buy pills. She has suffered some very dramatic (epileptic seizures). “Oh, my God, have mercy for her,” I said.

At 7 p.m. we had a teaching and the people were very blessed by His Word.

Friday, Sept. 23


At 6:45 a.m. I started from Cacarey village, arriving at Sapcha town at 7:30 a.m. I met brother Moises, who invited me to his house. He washed my feet. Then he asked me to pray for him and his son, Juan, who received the Lord Jesus and a New Testament. Then they invited me to have lunch with them.


At 5:40 p.m. I went to stay in the house of sister Cirila, who is 70 years old. Where I slept is Tucu village, uphill from Sapcha town and on the side of the road to Wicruncocha village.

Saturday, Sept. 24

At 7:40 a.m. I started from Tucu village to arrive to Yanama at 12:10 p.m. under an intense fog, rain and hail. It was damaging my body. I was very tired when I went to see Pastor Esteban Lazarte and his wife, sister Armenia, who received me for lunch. I was able to change my clothes out of the wet and rest.

Sunday, Sept. 25

I started from Yanama at 10:30 a.m. on a truck until I reached Chalhua at 11 a.m. Nobody was in Alison’s house, so I went to bed to rest and feel better from the grip.

Monday, Sept. 26

At 4 p.m. I was visiting brother Ivan and I gave him a New Testament for which he was very grateful and blessed. Then I was helping to guide Alison through some mathematic homework, and taught her more about the Lord Jesus. We had time to pray for her mother Taina, and I prayed for Alison and her entire family.

Tuesday, Sept. 27

I started from Yanama district at 1:30 p.m., arriving at Huaraz city at 6 p.m. Praise God, one more mission was done. In His mercy.

August 2011

Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, said God again showed him that people through the mountains are suffering strange illnesses emanating from demonic possession, as well as other physical maladies, and poor parental upbringing of children. “He showed me the need to see new churches so the people will come to worship Him and pray more and wait for His miracles,” Jaime reported after spending from Aug. 3-28 in the mission field.

Here are edited excerpts from Jaime’s latest comprehensive report to C4C:

Alisson with gifts shipped from the States.

Wednesday, Aug. 3, at 7:15 am I was starting from Huaraz in brother Franklin’s van. We arrived in Yungay city at 8:15 a.m. I waited at the bus stop with Julio Castillo and Nancy Flores, a couple who were interested to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ, and they invited me to visit their families and stay in Hierbabuena Village when I get go there. Praise God, He opened a blessed door to bring His Word. After visiting Hierbabuena, I went to Chalhua village and met Alisson and her grandmother. Alisson opened her gifts sent from the United States, and she was very excited and happy. We passed a nice day together.

Thursday, Aug. 4, at 11 a.m., I went uphill from Chalhua to visit a village called Machco. I met two people in their late 70s who confessed Jesus as Lord. I ministered to them as they were suffering from shingles, asthma, and body pains. I prayed for their healing. After that, I was assisted by a sister in Christ, who spoke the Conchucos Quechua language, to witness to a single mother and her daughter. They received Jesus into their hearts. I also prayed for a woman suffering body pains and a 5-year-old boy who was healed immediately from the flu. When I got my hand on his head (to pray) this child jumped from the arms of his mother and went to play with his little sister. Praise God, He was doing it and it was amazing! To Him be the glory and the honor! They asked for a New Testament so I told them they must come to the church at Chalhua to worship when I return for my next trip.

Friday, Aug. 5, I was praying in Alisson’s house and after that I was talking with Pastor Isabel. I wanted to visit brother Damian in the Huamas Village. He is owner of the land where the church at Chalhua would like to build. I wanted to pray for him.

In the evening, I was visiting with Alisson and her grandmother Teresa. We went to see Alisson’s uncle Marcial Obregon and I gave three New Testaments because did not have God’s Book. But now they do, praise God.

Saturday, Aug. 6, at 5:30 a.m. Pastor Isabel and I were walking to Huamas village about two hours away. We prayed with brother Damian, asking him to wait (before selling the land for the church to someone else). He accepted. When we return to Chalhua, I gave 12 new hymnals to the future church at Chalhua. These were a gift from brother Huber.

The view from Hierbabuena.

When I started to Hierbabuena Village, I asked a man on the side of the road where my new friends Nancy and Julio were living. I took a seat on a big stone when a very friendly lady got her blanket to put on the stone for me to sit on. I shared about C4C and His Word, so Nora Garcia, 28, received the Lord Jesus. I gave her a New Testament, and then had an opportunity to share with her husband Hermino Vidal, 40, and with her parents. We went up the hill to their house, where they were waiting for me to share about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, Aug. 7, at 12:30 a.m., I visited Victor Lucero, 34, who lives in a site downhill from Hierbabuena called Coihuairanan. He told me that he has two daughters and a called one, Flor, who is 9 and suffering from an eye problem when she studies. It burned and itches. I shared about salvation and His healing. Victor and a 60-year-old friend called Eleuterio Cruz were praying with me, and they accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. God was touching the heart of our new brother Victor, who told me he could grant a piece of land to God because he wants to know more and more and see his daughter healed by God. I left him with two New Testaments, which they were very excited to receive.

Later in the afternoon, I shared with my translator friend Nancy’s 88-year-old grandmother. Narcisa Blas received the Lord Jesus Christ and I prayed for healing because she had bone pains and after this she was without pain. Praise God!

I then visited sister Avelina Moreno, 70, who told me that she was not going to church because it is far and her sons were threatening if she went they would expel her from the house. Oh, God!

Another brother in Christ, 10-year-old Celwin Flores, who received Jesus, took me to see his grandfather Octavio Aramburu. The 80-year-old received the Lord Jesus Christ and, after I prayed for his head pain, God healed him. Celwin was so special because his attitude reflected the Lord Jesus.

When we returned from Coihuairanan at 6:45 pm I saw new sister Narcisa listening to Christian folk music on a radio station. She was so happy and blessed with a face so sweet to the Lord. After our dinner in the kitchen the mother of new brother Celwin also received Lord Jesus Christ. I gave the lady Perpetua Aramburu, 42, a New Testament. She was very grateful and exited to read His Word.

Monday, Aug. 8, I met Nancy’s 26-year-old sister, Cledy Flores, who received the Lord Jesus when praying with me. I gave her a New Testament.

At 12:45 p.m. we started hiking to Yanachaca, which is in the Huaripampa village. I was invited by a Christian family to lunch. As I went with sister Zaragoza Obregon, I saw her 12-year-old daughter Amancia Julca, who was walking with two sticks because she had fallen one month ago. So I prayed for her daughter and after we ate lunch her sister gave me gloves and a cap made with lamb’s wool. I prayed that God may provide for her business; she and some women sell their products (spring water and sodas) to trekkers and climbers who go to Santa Cruz.

Tuesday, Aug. 9, at 8 a.m., I visited brother Sergio and his wife, Delia, and prayed for them and encouraged them to go to the local church in Yanacacha. I went with brother Ezequiel Julca, 48, a local leader from Yanachaca, who spoke the Conchucos Quechua Language as we visited a 72-year-old woman called Fausta. Guided by His Spirit, God took her heart and we prayed together so she received the Lord Jesus Christ and after that we anointed her for healing because she was declared to live only three months by physicians. She is suffering uterus cancer. But we declared His healing.

We went from Yanacacha, where I was staying, to Huaripampa, about a 10-minute walk away. There were about 50 people waiting to greet us. A dozen of these people were asking for a local church to be built. Brother Antojeno said he would grant a piece of his land if God permits Climbing For Christ to build there. After this we visited Christian families to pray for many spiritual needs.

Wednesday, Aug. 10, at 1:30 p.m., brother Fausto and I went to Chachaspucru site from Yanachaca to win a new family to Christ. I was explaining about His salvation and eternal life and how we, in Climbing For Christ, work through His mountains around the world. After some testimonies they decided to accept the Lord Jesus Christ, so Praise God! Robert Dextre, 35, and Elisa, 34, received two New Testaments.

We returned to Huaripampa village at 3 p.m. and went first to pray for some brothers and at 4:30 p.m. we outreached a poorest family that was without Him and in great need. As Fausto was praying I saw face to face seven souls: Maruja Cruz, 36, who was widowed; Nain Dextre, 18, who works as a muleteer to support the family, and Vilma, 15, Maricela, 10, Adelio, 8, Yosarela, 6, and Angela, 4. Maruja’s husband died of cancer. A leader from the local church in Yanachaca shared with him, but he told our brother that he could not accept Jesus and he passed only a week later. He died without Him — oh, God! Well, I told everyone in the family about His salvation and eternal life and we prayed together for them to receive the Lord Jesus Christ. I gave some New Testaments and crackers, which they were excited to eat. Nain told me about some of their physical needs, like shoes and jackets. I said we will be praying to God to supply those needs.

Thursday, Aug. 11, brother Cesar, his wife and sons had a delicious breakfast and prayer time. Being a high-mountain cook, he was very interested to be a part of C4C Peru.
At 9:30 a.m. I started to Chalhua Village. I met sister Olinda Dextre, 48, on the way. She has nine sons. She asked me to pray because is suffering finger pains. So I ministered to her and prayed for her husband Eugenio, 49, who is violent and an unbeliever. I followed my route until I arrived at Colcabamba village at 10:30 a.m. This is located downhill before Chalhua. I stayed some minutes to buy spring water after I met Neda Vidal, 20, who is a believer without a Bible. I gave Neda a new Testament. As I sat at the store, Ema Zelaya, who is 70, asked me to talk about Jesus Christ. So I shared about His salvation and healing. Then she asked me to pray for her knee pains and she received Jesus Christ as her Savior and healer, Praise God! The grandmother of Neda is suffering body pains so she asked me to visit uphill in Huarauya. I told Santa Crispin, 67, and her husband Juan Jara, 68, about His love and mercy, and they received the Lord Jesus Chris. I prayed for Santa’s body pains and gave them a New Testament. Then I started off again Chalhua at 1:05 p.m., arriving at 2:20 p.m. to rest in Alisson’s house. She was very happy to paint together with her new crayons and cap.

Friday, Aug. 12, I rested and visited with new believers and got to know more people in Chalhua.

Saturday, Aug. 13, at 9 a.m., I went to Yanama to visit brothers Lorenzo Lopez and Williams, and we lunched together. I shared on my missionary work through and around Yanama and after we prayed to God that He may bless us, I visited Pastor Esteban Lazarte and his wife, whom our mission team had prayed for in May. I returned at 5:15 p.m. to Chalhua on a motorcycle from a friend called Saul, who invited me to visit him when I return to Yanama soon.

Sunday, Aug. 14, I started at 11:40 a.m. to Yanama, arriving at 12:50 p.m. I met brother Avelino with his daughter Liliana, 21, who were on the side of the road waiting for me to go together to their village. We made a four-hour hike to Yacurwarmi. After we rested and took a meal I was met the son of brother Avelino, called Michael, who is 16 and has suffered since birth an out-of-shape bone in his left foot. Because of that he has back pains.

Monday, Aug. 15, at 7:40 a.m. I started to Wicruncocha village to charge my camera batteries because in Yacurwarmi village there is no electricity. Along the way I met a man called Manuel, who is not believer. S I shared on His Name and he told me that he will think about. Then I followed my way to Wicruncocha, arriving at 8:30 a.m. I visited church leader Pedro Laveriano and we lunched together, and talked about our ministries and prayed. Then I returned to Yacurwarmi at 3:30 p.m. to stay again.

Tuesday, Aug. 16, at 10:05 a.m. I started toward Wicruncocha village, but downhill a farmer family greeted me so I stopped to tell about our Lord Jesus Christ. They told me that were very interested in becoming Christians, so we prayed together and they received the Lord Jesus and I gave them a New Testament. They were very excited — Dalila Luna, 10, and her mother Nancy Lopez, 37, who is a mute. I prayed for them and returned to my hike at 11:25 a.m. I arrived at Wicrunococha at 12.

At 7:30 p.m. we had a church worship, praying for many older brother and sisters, who were very joyful in His Word. I was blessed to read in Conchucos Quechua Language from my Mushoq Testamentun or Bilingual New Testament (Spanish-Quechua), so Praise God!

Wednesday, Aug. 17, at 5 a.m., church leader Pedro woke me up to minister to a brother who was suffering epilepsy. We anointed him and in His name we declared His healing.
After 11:30 am I visited brother Victor Agustin in Paccha village. He presented me to his cousin, brother Demetrio Nicolas, who told me he could sell a piece of land to Climbing For Christ. The price would be 2,500 soles (or US$919). I told him we need to pray to God for His will and His time to one day see a Prayer House there.

Jaime trekking to Palcas.

Thursday, Aug. 18, at 9:30 a.m. I arrived at Paccha village from Wicruncocha on my way to Sapcha Town, which I reached at 11:30 am. We heard a call from students on the side of a street, and we shared about His Salvation and answered many questions about His Word, so Praise God!

I started at 4:20 p.m. to Palcas village, arriving at 4:55 p.m. I visited brother Ignacio, who was excited to receive me. We prayed and he invited me for a delicious meal and after I went to sleep.

Friday, Aug. 19, at 6 a.m. brother Ignacio and I prayed and I was grateful for his hospitality. I went to see brother Amador, who was not in his house. I waited one hour to see him. We prayed and talked about the religious conditions in Palcas village. He told me there are approximately 100 people, mostly Catholic, and 12 brothers and sisters in Christ. He said some Catholics are interested in meeting one day under a Prayer House, and he told me that a sister could grant a piece of land to God and he could sell to our ministry. We prayed finally to leave it in His hands. Also, they could evangelize with our teams to win more souls if we went there one day. Brother Amador was grateful for my visit in Palcas, telling us that we will be welcome there.

After I returned at 10:30 a.m. to Sapcha Town and rested on a side of the town square, I was sharing His Gospel with a local family. Then I went to the National School to see some students and one guy called Julino Ramirez, 14, told me that in a village called Cacarey there are approximately 12 Christians living and perhaps 50 Catholics who are interested in becoming Christians, too. I said when I return in September he could guide me. He said, “Right, yes, I can do it.” He told me to visit another village called Cocha, where there are 35 people living and only five believers without a church. They would be interested. I said, “Wow, my Lord, it is good to carry Your Name!” Julino is a loved brother and I will be praying for him always.

After this I was invited to lunch with a local family, where I shared about my missionary work with Climbing For Christ. Then I started at 4 p.m. to Paccha village, and brother Victor’s house.

Saturday, Aug. 20, at 10:15 a.m. I arrived in Wicruncocha and stayed in church leader Pedro’s house. I was praying for many petitions and having my personal devotion after having a nice time with Pedro’s sons, Dan, Ely and Kelly Laveriano.

At 7:30 p.m. we had a blessed worship in the local church, where I was invited to give a message. Through His Spirit I was able to do a special preaching in Conchucos Quechua language and Spanish, so His people were very joyful and we were praying for many Christian. Praise God!

Alisson with her sheep.

Sunday, Aug. 21, at 8:30 a.m. I started to Yanama from Wicroncocha through the road, arriving at 12:15 p.m. I was visiting brother Lorenzo to pray together on my way to Chalhua village, where I arrived at 4:15 p.m. and again stayed in Alisson’s house. I surprised when she said, “Papito (or Daddy) tell me how was going it in the mission and show me the events in pictures.” I said, “Wow, Alisson, do you really want to know?” “Yes, I want, please,” she said. So I told her the events that had happened and we prayed together and we had a nice and blessed day sharing and talking with her grandmother Teresa and her grandfather, too.

Monday, Aug. 22, at 3:30 p.m. I was visiting brother Ivan Rosas, 24, who is interested in working as a leader in the Climbing For Christ ministry whenever God needs his support in Chalhua. So we were coordinating the next week when I return from Chilcabamba village to have worship in brother Amancio’s house.


Tuesday, Aug. 23, at 8:30 am I started from Chalhua to Chilcabamba passing Yanama District, Piscos, Huamas and Llamlla villages to arrive at 12:10 p.m. On the side of the road I met Marcelino Manrrique, who told me about his three sick sons.

I went to see sister Carmina Andagua, 45, and her family. Sister Carmina told me that there are approximately 50 people in Chilcabamba and only five are Christians. But some are interested in being Christians so we met that night at 7 p.m. with 12 people. God gained 11 souls. Praise God! It really was glorious, His Presence in the room, and I was ministering in prayer as we finished praising Him in worship and giving thanks to God. We gave them New Testaments so they will see His Word with their families.

Wednesday, Aug. 24, at 8 a.m., I was taking a breakfast with sister Carmina. Her adopted father, called Crispin Morales, who is 80, came to visit. He accepted the Lord Jesus in prayer together, so Praise God! Thirteen new believers were added by God in Chilcabamba. Carmina told me that she can grant some land to God so our ministry could build in His time a Prayer House. I said we will be praying for this opportunity to see one day a place to worship God — please can you be praying always for that!

Juana with her mute sons Stalin, left, and Darwin after prayer.

At 4:30 p.m. I went to visit Marcelino Manrrique and his wife, Juana Morales, who is 35. They presented their sons: Darwin Manrrique, 12, who is mute; Stalin Manrrique, 11, who is mute; Rosmel Manrrique, 8, who is a normal boy, and Yojhan Manrrique, 5, who is mute. The boys are not studying and are acting badly. Oh, my God, help me to minister to them. I took their picture and their faces were very nervous. After, I put my hand on them to pray in His powerful name. Then I took their picture again and their faces were like with a dream — more quiet — so God showed me that they were under demonic influences. But the physicians are saying they are suffering a strange blood sickness. Their mother Juana told me that she wanted a New Testament to read His Word and on my next visit she and her husband Marelino will accept the Lord Jesus.

So God has put on my heart many cases to pray for in Chilcabamba village.

Thursday, Aug. 25, at 8 a.m., I started on a trailer until Yanama, arriving at 8:30 a.m. I stayed to sleep in a brother’s house recommended by Pastor Esteban Lazarte.

Friday, Aug. 26, at 12, I started to Chalhua from Yanama, arriving at 2 p.m. to rest in Alisson’s house.

Saturday, Aug. 27, at 7:30 p.m. we had worship with some brothers and sisters, including Alisson and her grandmother, Teresa. Praise God! I was preaching on His obedience.

Sunday, Aug. 28, at 11:45 a.m. I started from Yanama to Yungay city, arriving at 3 p.m. and after I took a van to Huaraz city, arriving at 4 p.m.

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
Luke 19:10 (NIV)

July 2011

Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, returned to Chalhua for the first time since our Mission: Peru 2011 team was in the Cordillera Blanca range in May. He visited our dear little sister Alison, the girl whom our team met and fell in love with, and also saw Pastor Isabel. After this visit, he continued on to explore and survey many other villages.

Here are edited excerpts from Jaime’s exhaustive report to C4C:

Monday, July 18, at 5:45 a.m., I started from Huaraz to Chalhua via Yungay, arriving at 10:40 a.m. I was visiting the grandmother of Alison when I heard there was news about Alison’s father — he was killed in a Lima suburb, where he lived a life of alcoholism. She received the news just this day and they were chocked (with emotion). They had not told Alison.

Alison running to greet Jaime.

I went out of the house to pray and Alison appeared (some distance) away from me. I called to her and she came running, so happy. She told me, “Brother Jaime, you are my daddy,” and she invited me to lunch with her family. I was teaching her about Jesus the Lord. It was a special time to see Alison with much hunger for Him.

After our lunch, I met with Pastor Isabel and she told me that the brother who is the owner wishing to sell land (to the house church at Chalhua) is wishing to sell to an unbeliever. They are praying that C4C Worldwide Mission would be able to send half of the land’s cost (US$900) so the land will be legalized with documents. I told her I would be reporting this news and we would be praying and His will be done.

Jaime, left, with Alison and Pastor Isabel.

I visited a young father, named Wilder Cruz (30 years old with two sons), who was interested in becoming a Christian. He was asking many questions and we were praying together. He decided to give his life to the Lord when I returned from the other villages the next day.

Tuesday, July 19, at 4:15 a.m., I started from Chalhua to Mismi Village with Pastor Isabel’s husband, Marino, arriving at 9:45 p.m.

Jaime on his 17½-hour trek toward Mismi Village.

Brother Marino and I started a hike to Mismi Village, which should have taken six hours. Then I came down in 30 centimeters of mud (nearly 1 foot deep). My right leg was sunken so my old boot was filled with mud and water. I had to walk without socks after that and it hurt my right heel. So when we got to the village I was assisted and rested, and we had a special time to share. Brother Victor Arellan and his wife Ipola told me they were praying to God to see a church in their village, where there are 16 farmers approximately and only two Christian couples.

I ministered to an old (88 years old), single miss who is living with them, called Gregoria Arellan, for healing because she is suffering pains on her body. She was born like a new creature in Jesus Christ and her pains were less after we ministered with Sister Ipola — so praise God!

After this I was presented to brother Victor and Elsa Manrrique, who welcomed me for two nights. At dinner we prayed and I shared about Alison and the church in Chalhua and they were touched by His Spirit to grant any three lands they have to our C4C ministry — so praise God!

Wednesday, July 20, at 11 a.m., I started to Sapcha Town and I arrived at 11:30 a.m. Walking on the road I met a man who was looking at the Sapcha Town panorama. I greeted him and said I would go to meet Christians there. He said, “I am a Christian,” and we embraced and praised God.

The panorama from Sapcha Village.

He asked me to pray for healing because he was returning from a medical house and said his bones were paining him. So I ministered to him and he said, crying, “Thanks (be to) God!” I followed brother Jubenal Obregon and, wow, a farmer lady and her two little boys greeted me. The lady told me, “I am a Christian and I am coming from the medical post in Sapcha Town because we are sick.” I said, “Well, we need to pray to God.” I ministered to all there and after she said, “Thanks (be to) God! I live in Wicruncocha Village; you may visit us any moment.” I blessed them and said you will see us soon.

Arriving to Sapcha Town I met a widow sister called Teodora. Sister Elsa recommended I visit her home and I shared about C4C Ministry and I prayed for her, too. She invited me to visit worship that night in a house room with brothers from different villages around there.

I was informed by sister Teodora that Sapcha Town is very Catholic, and the people have hard hearts and idols. There are 500 people, approximately, and only two Christians.

At 1 p.m., I returned to Mismi Village, where I was checking the different lands granted by our beloved brother Victor and Elsa Manrrique.

The Manrrique and Arellan families went with me to Sapcha Town to worship at 8 p.m. We had a blessed worship to God, where I was presented by some Christian leaders from the Assembly of God church. I was informed there that many brothers and sisters who are walking from 30 minutes to 1 hour to worship, so they are praying to God to have a worthy church.

After worship, when many brothers and sisters from different villages were going to their houses, a brother called Amador Cunza from Palcash Village (about 1½ hours from Sapcha Town) told me: “Dear brother, we are praying for an integral church in my village and I would like to grant a land to God so you could build there with C4C Ministry. Please visit me next time.” Palcash Village has 100 people, approximately, and 10 people are interested in being Christians. There are only two Christians now.

Thursday, July 21, at 6 a.m., I started from Mismi Village on my way to Wicruncocha Village. I met many dogs, which were aggressive, on the road. But God calmed them.

At 7 a.m., I got to Paqcha Village and I asked a farmer lady if I would be near to Wicrucocha Village to see Pastor Pedro. She said, “Ten minutes on the road.” I asked if she knew any Christians and she said, “We are.” Then a man, who was a brother called Demetrio Nicolas, told me: “Please brother, can you pray for a sister in this house?” I ministered to her. Before I arrived I was reading a Quechua Bible on healing.

After this, we walked 10 minutes more to meet Pastor Pedro, who is leading Assembly of God church in Wicrucocha Village. He welcomed me into his home. We were together almost three hours, sharing my personal testimony, until get a brother called Avelino Agustin (52 years old) came along. He was a Christian — the only one — in Yacuywarmi Village. But there are many farmers — approximately 150 — expecting His Gospel. Brother Avelino told me he could grant land to God and to have a new church there.

I arrived in Chalhua at noon. I was received by Alison's grandmother, who granted me a room to rest. After a few minutes Alison came from school and was very excited. “Hi, Papito,” she said. We had dinner — a delicious Andean dish — and Alison did her school homework with me. Before going to sleep we prayed with her grandparents and said thanks to God.

Friday, July 22, at 7 a.m. we woke up. We prayed together and Alison went to school very happy, jumping. Minutes later I met brother Marino and we went to Yanama to visit Pastor Esteban Lazarte, who was with us during Mission: Peru 2011 in May. We prayed for his wife when we were all there.

Pastor Esteban Lazarte recommended we visit two villages where brothers are discouraged and the people are thirsty for Him. He suggested visiting Hierbabuena Village, where there are 250 farmers who are winnable for Christ. They need a church, too. He also said Chilcabamba Village is interesting, with 400 farmers and only two evangelic homes.

I said, “Oh, my God, there is so much work to do.”

After this, I got a van to Yungay City, arriving at 1:30 p.m. I met a young Christian man who works as a high mountain cook. I shared C4C Ministry with brother Cesar and he invited me to come to Huaripampa Village. He said the farmers are winnable for Christ.

I arrived at Yungay at 5 p.m. and then took a bus to Huaraz, arriving at 7 p.m.

The beauty of God's creation in Peru.

On Saturday, July 23, Edwin Milla, a mountain guide who co-coordinates C4C Peru with Jaime, called Servat and told him a package from Climbing For Christ had arrived from the United States. It had been shipped from the C4C home office in Rochester, N.Y. not long after our team returned to the States. The package included ministry resources, gifts for Alison, and climbing tools donated by AustriAlpin to our sponsored climber Edwin. Peruvian customs had held the package for many weeks, finally releasing it after numerous communications between C4C and the government.

Jaime said: “I am praying to go in August to Chalhua and deliver the gifts to Alison and visit the Yacuywarmi, Paqcha, Wicruncocha, Mismi, Palcash, Yanama, Chilcabamba, Hierbabuena, Huaripampa Villages and more.”

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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