Gary Fallesen / Friday, May 6, 2011 / Categories: Mission: Peru 2011 The cost of a soul? Priceless What will US$204.82 buy you in South America? Six souls for Jesus. Perhaps even more. There may be a crisis in the world's economy. But God's economy is to make something from next-to-nothing. Jaime Servat, in red visor, with an Indian farmer receiving Christ in Otavalo, Ecuador in October 2010. Jaime Servat of Huaraz, Peru, a Climbing For Christ member since November 2006, needed that small amount of money for a bus ticket to Quito, Ecuador. God directed us to provide for Jaime's need in late August 2010. Servat and the Holy Spirit did the rest. They teamed up to bring six people to Christ, helped restore the faith of three others, and served the physical needs of another three people through medical assistance. The trip also gave Jaime an opportunity to share Climbing For Christ with many brothers and sisters in Christ in Ecuador, resulting in C4C's first 10 members from that country. A month later, Jaime Servat was in Colombia, doing many of the same things. This is his lifestyle — going, going and going some more in the name of the Lord. When we asked Jaime to suggest where we might go in 2011, he had a long list of answers. In Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. “I pray to the Lord so He can put on my heart, under His guidance, how, when and where I would go first,” Servat explained. So, divinely inspired, Mission: Peru 2011 began taking shape. In May 2011, a Climbing For Christ team will travel to the Huascaran National Park area in the Cordillera Blanca range of the Andes in central Peru. The spectacular Huascarán, at 22,205 feet (6,768 meters) the sixth-highest mountain in the Western Hemisphere. (Photo by Gabe Colburn, C4C member) Jaime Servat won't sit idly waiting for reinforcements from the body of Christ. He will be evangelizing because that is what the Lord put on his heart to do many years ago. “I only go in obedience to glorify His name,” Jaime said. He has been sent “for many men and women in the highlands.” He is climbing for Christ. Peru Tuesday, May 10 Print 2657 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author