Gary Fallesen / Thursday, January 13, 2011 / Categories: Nepal, Mission: Nepal 2011, Dispatches Thursday, Jan. 13 We met with another ministry leader for Nepali coffee, breakfast, and fellowship in Kathmandu. We talked about reaching the unreached with the Gospel of Christ in remote areas of this country. There are many good trekking opportunities that could be combined with church visits and medical clinics in 2012 if the Lord of the harvest sends us the workers that are needed. In many places “it’s not about God (or the gods the people worship); it’s about the culture,” our ministry-leading friend said. Hinduism and Buddhism are a way of life in Nepal. Rebirth (or reincarnation) and karma remain a never-ending and vicious cycle with people stuck in a caste system and suffering accepted if not embraced. But there is hope. One secular (and lost) writer noted several years ago: “Because proselytizing and conversion are not part of Hindu tradition, Nepali law prohibits these practices, so Nepal has been spared the influence of missionaries and evangelists.” Fortunately this is a lie. Since Christianity was made legal in 1951 an estimated 1 million believers have arisen. Many of those have come to the Lord in recent years. Our international ministry-leading friend, who has worked in Nepal for the past 12 years, recalls riding in Kathmandu taxis in which drivers never had heard of Jesus. Today, most taxi drivers will tell him they know at least one Christian. That's a sign of the growth of Christianity in this country of more than 28 million people. There remains a great deal of work to be done in order to grow the body of Christ, but churches are being built and pastors trained. The darkness will give way to the light and Climbing For Christ will continue to be a part of this kingdom building. Wednesday, Jan. 12 Friday, Jan. 14 Print 4294 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author