Caryn Stiteler
Nationality: American. Occupation: Retired. Missions with C4C: First.
How long have you climbed? Don’t. Type of climbing you do: None. Highlight of climbing career: None (yet).
How long have you been a Christian? 35 years. Type of ministry you are blessed to serve in: VBS, music, Lifetree Café, life groups, community Bible study.
Favorite Scripture verse (and why): Philippians 4:4-8. My son went through a very difficult time after his divorce until he was awarded custody of his children. The Philippians verses were prayed many nights as I laid awake, fearful for what the future would bring. One night God granted me the peace that transcends all understanding and He continues to guard my heart and mind as I daily surrender to His will.
Special "God moment" you'd like to share: The morning after my husband (Don) went home, a dear friend who we had been praying for for several years was baptized. For me and my family it was a sign from God that because our dear one was called home another was saved for eternity.
What does Climbing For Christ mean to you? I think it’s the ultimate demonstration of taking a passion (hiking) and using that passion to spread God’s love and bring glory to Him. I am delighted to be able to use my gifts and passion (not hiking!) now as C4C expands its service to the world for the cause of Christ.